

Arrangør: N/A

Debatmøde: Humanitær hjælp og militæret

Time: Friday 27st August at 09:30 – 13:00 hours

Venue: Chr. Hansen Auditorium, Centre for Health and Society, University of Copenhagen, Øster Farimagsgade 5 (det gamle kommunehospital), Copenhagen

Organizer: Summer School in International Health & Summer School in Global Health Challenges

Time: Friday 27st August at 09:30 – 13:00 hours

Venue: Chr. Hansen Auditorium, Centre for Health and Society, University of Copenhagen, Øster Farimagsgade 5 (det gamle kommunehospital), Copenhagen

Organizer: Summer School in International Health & Summer School in Global Health Challenges

The meeting will be a panel discussion in which each of the four panellists will present their views in short introductory remarks. After that journalist Kirsten Larsen (DR) will facilitate the discussion in which the audience can contribute with questions and comments.

In the panel:

* Jesper Jørgensen (Doctors Without Borders)
* Birgitte Ebbesen (Danish Red Cross)
* Jens Tingleff (Doctor for Danish Defence)
* Knud Vilby (Journalist and writer)
* Sebastian Wiberg (First Lieutenant, Danish Defence)

Among the questions to be debated are:

Should military forces contribute to international development aid beyond security operations to make aid agents work possible?
Are army-green or camouflaged vehicles, buildings and personnel to wave and wear symbols like red crosses/crescents?
Would civil and military integration strategies improve or interrupt the work for stability and the trust building within societies and states in conflict?
Should ‘humanitarian’ aid be delivered when conditions are too insecure for aid organizations to act?
Is there a need for clarifying the roles of military and humanitarian agencies more, when they are operating in the same area or conflict?

Birgitte Gantriis
e-mail: [email protected]