

Arrangør: N/A

Hvordan får vi mere ud af netværk i udviklingsarbejdet?

Time: Tuesday, 12th October at 1 pm – 5 pm

Venue: University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Life Sciences (tidl. Landbohøjskolen), Meeting Room A 2-70.01 (3-11), Thorvaldsensvej 40, 1871 Frederiksberg C

NOTE: Registration to Signe Lund Christensen, e-mail [email protected] no later than Thursday 7th October, 2010 at 14.00.

Time: Tuesday, 12th October at 1 pm – 5 pm

Venue: University of Copenhagen, Faculty of Life Sciences (tidl. Landbohøjskolen), Meeting Room A 2-70.01 (3-11), Thorvaldsensvej 40, 1871 Frederiksberg C

NOTE: Registration to Signe Lund Christensen, e-mail [email protected] no later than Thursday 7th October, 2010 at 14.00.

Networks have become one of the most significant social trends of our time. In Denmark, as elsewhere in the world, both scholars and practitioners have increasingly drawn attention to networks as a way of organising efforts towards achieving specific agendas.

However, little effort has been made to share experiences across the Danish research and NGO networks and to learn from others who have been involved in and studied networks in other parts of the world.

How do we understand and examine the processes and results deriving from network activities? Which is the best strategic framework for understanding how networks work and what they can offer their members and collaborating partners?

How can we best ensure that knowledge and research produced by networks are integrated into improved development policies and practices? These and other questions will be addressed in the meeting organised by DDRN (Danish Development Research Network) and NGO-forum.

Experts from the UK will highlight trends in the international thinking on networks.

Come and meet Simon Batchelor, Head of Impact Team, Institute of Development Studies (IDS); Enrique Mendizabal, Head of programme, Overseas Development Institute (ODI); and Simon Hearn, Research Officer (ODI). 



Introduction and welcome (by DDRN and NGO-forum)

Highlights from evaluations of Danish networks – where are we now?

Social network mapping – global trends and perspectives. Presenter: Simon Batchelor IDS, UK

The Network Functions Approach applied in research and CBO networks in the development sector. Presenters: Enrique Mendizabal and Simon Hearn, ODI, UK

Discussion: How can Danish networks apply the approaches and models to enhance their impact, and strengthen research/policy/practice linkages and cooperation to optimise the use of knowledge and research in development.
Moderator: Enrique Mendizabal, ODI

Synthesis and next steps

Read the concept note at www.ngoforum.dk and www.ddrn.dk

Yderligere oplysninger hos:
Netværkskoordinator Pernille Tind Simmons
NGO forum – dialog om dansk udviklingsbistand
The Danish NGO Forum, c/o Folkekirkens Nødhjælp
E-mail: [email protected] og dir. tlf: 33 18 78 32
Mobil: 25 50 21 28