

Arrangør: N/A

Seminar: Kristent udviklingsarbejde i Østafrika

Time: Thursday14th October at 13.45 – 16.30 hours

Venue: Center for African Studies, Købmagergade 46, 4th floor, Auditorium 12, Kbn K

During the past two decades religious organisations have become prominent in international development aid. This greater inclusion has led to a growing interest among scholars in the relations between religion and development.

Time: Thursday14th October at 13.45 – 16.30 hours

Venue: Center for African Studies, Købmagergade 46, 4th floor, Auditorium 12, Kbn K

During the past two decades religious organisations have become prominent in international development aid. This greater inclusion has led to a growing interest among scholars in the relations between religion and development.

The seminar aims at discussing recent research on Christian involvement in development aid in East Africa by exploring the ways in Christian organisations “do development” and the effects of “doing development” on the religious sector.

The seminar is highly relevant for scholars, practitioners, policy makers, and students in development studies and African studies.


* Paul Gifford, Department of the Study of Religions, SOAS, UK
* Maia Green, Department of Anthropology, Manchester University, UK
* Catrine Christiansen, Department of Anthropology, Copenhagen University


* Holger Bernt Hansen, Centre for African Studies, Univeristy of Copenhagen
* Uffe Torm, director, Danish Mission Council Development Department


Introductory remarks

Professor Paul Gifford: What are the recent developments within the Christianity-development nexus in East Africa? Examples from Kenya

Professor Maia Green: How do Christian development organisations operate as development actors? Examples from Tanzania

PhD candiate Catrine Christiansen: How does engagement in development work influence the churches as religious organisations? Examples from Uganda

Coffe and tea

Comments by Professor emeritus Holger Bernt Hansen

Comments by Uffe Torm

Plenum Discussion

Concluding remarks