Bangladesh får bistand til at evakuere sine borgere fra borgerkrigsramte Libyen

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Tusinder af bangalere arbejdede i oberst Muammar Gaddafis Libyen – stor aktion for at få dem hjem

Bangladesh has signed an agreement with the World Bank for a 40 million US dollar (ca. 200 mio. DKR) loan to help fund the evacuation of its citizens from Libya.

“The emergency operation will finance the repatriation of Bangladeshi migrant workers escaping the conflict in Libya”, the Bank said in a statement Monday.

More than 35.000 Bangladeshis out of an estimated 70.000 to 80.000 working in Libya have returned home since unrest broke out in February.

Remittances (penge der sendes hjem) from more than 7 million citizens working abroad along with ready-made garments exports are the two key planks of the impoverished South Asian country’s 100 billion dollar economy.

The World Bank financing will retroactively cover the cost of transport for 10.000 returnees brought to Bangladesh with support from the International Migration Organization (IOM).

The World Bank financing will add to the Bangladeshi government financing of 4,6 million dollar, as well as nearly 30 million in grant funding from donor organizations raised through IOM’s global appeal.
