Bekymrende tidlig meningitis

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A meningitis epidemic has struck earlier than usual in sub-Saharan Africa’s “meningitis belt”.

The alarm sounds from Senegal to Ethiopia, according to IRIN news who cites health ministries in the region.

The disease occurs during the dry season, with most cases reported in mid-April.

As of 7th of February, health ministries in high-risk countries reported 2,298 cases, with a 13-percent fatality rate.

Burkina Faso has reported the highest number of cases, but Togo has experienced the highest fatality rate, where 25 of 108 infected people died.

The World Health Organization (WHO) describes the situation as alarming.

Mamoudou Harouna Djingarey, a WHO epidemiologist and meningitis expert, told IRIN it was still not clear why infections were spreading earlier than expected.

– This is a sign of a major epidemic risk if no action is taken, he warned.

Extensive meningitis outbreaks tends to occur every 8 to 10 years, but now occurs about every four years.

In the 2009 meningitis season, 14 African countries reported a total of 78,416 suspected cases, including 4,053 deaths, the largest number of infections since the 1996 epidemic.