Dansk ja i FN til at give Palæstina status som observatørstat

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Torsdag aften dansk tid stemte et overvældende flertal af verdens nationer (138 udaf 193), herunder en stor gruppe EU-lande, for opgradering af Palæstinas status i FN til ikke-medlems observatørstat.

Det skete ved en afstemning i FNs plenarforsamling i New York, og en yderst tilfreds udenrigsminister, Villy Søvndal (SF), udtaler:

”Danmark var blandt de første EU-lande, der offentliggjorde sin ja-stemme. Vi har dermed, sammen med et overvældende flertal af verdens lande, herunder alle de nordiske og flertallet af EU-landene, sikret den nye og styrkede status for Palæstina i FN. Det skal præsident Abbas og alle palæstinensere glæde sig over i dag.

“Nu gælder det så om at benytte det momentum, som General-forsamlingens beslutning kan give, der, hvor det virkeligt tæller: ved forhandlingsbordet”.

“Både præsident Abbas og premier-minister Netanyahu har tidligere erklæret sig parat til at engagere sig i realitets-forhandlinger om den to-statsløsning, som både israelere og palæstinensere har fortjent”.

“Disse løfter må indfries nu, for der er ikke andre muligheder for at opnå varig fred, sikkerhed og økonomiske fremskridt”.

“Danmark vil, ikke mindst sammen med vore EU-partnere, arbejde målrettet på at understøtte den vej frem,” slutter Søvndal.

Den danske erklæring ved stemmeafgivelsen

(fremsendt på engelsk)

65 years ago, in this Assembly, Denmark voted in favor of the establishment of two states in the former mandate of Palestine.

Today, by voting in favor of the draft resolution, we reaffirm our commitment to a two-state solution with the State of Israel and an independent, democratic, contiguous (tilgrænsende) and viable State of Palestine, living side by side in peace and security – a commitment we share with the rest of the EU.

Denmark has consistently stood by Israel and its inherent right to self-defense in accordance with international law. We have also supported the Palestinian right to statehood and the building of the Palestinian authority.

This achievement deserves our full acknowledgement, and we will continue to contribute to building the institutions of a sovereign state of Palestine.

In this regard, Denmark calls on all Palestinians to support president Abbas in his efforts to promote intra-Palestinian reconciliation as an important element for the unity of a future Palestinian state.

While welcoming last week’s ceasefire agreement, the sudden escalation of conflict in Gaza highlights the urgent necessity to move forward a comprehensive solution to the conflict.

We strongly appeal to both sides to build on today’s decision and to resume direct bilateral negotiations immediately and without conditions on all final status issues, respecting previous agreements and understandings.

Only a political solution to the conflict can bring lasting security. At the same time, we also appeal to the parties to refrain from any steps which could negatively affect the situation and the efforts towards a negotiated solution.

The time to heed (efterkomme) the call in resolution 181 adopted 65 years ago of creating two states is long overdue.
The resolution adopted today, henceforth according Palestine Non-Member Observer State status in the United Nations General Assembly, is a natural continuation of our firm support for a two-state solution and Palestinian state-building.

Our vote, however, does not entail a formal bilateral recognition of a sovereign Palestinian state. This is a separate question, which we will continue to consider within the framework set out by international law.