Under klimakonferencen i København, der indledes i næste uge, vil der blive holdt en række særmøder om u-landenes jordbrug, klodens truede skove og verdenshavene skæbne. Se listen her:
1) Climate change and food security
Side event organized by FAO and the Danish Ministry of Food, Agriculture and Fisheries.
Climate change, food security, poverty cannot be addressed in isolation from each other. The Copenhagen Summit provides opportunities to promote solutions that manage synergies and trade-offs for multiple benefits.
Thursday 10 December 13-14:30h
Bella centre, Victor Borge room
I medfør af u-lands-nyts debatserie om landbrugsbistanden påkalder næste round-table sig særlig interesse:
2) Agriculture and
Rural Development Day
Saturday 12 December
Policies and institutions for resilient development in the face of climate change
Appropriately designed national policies and institutions can enhance adaptation and mitigation responses, reducing adjustment costs for farmers, increasing the profitability of environmentally sustainable practices, stimulating pro-poor investment, generating employment for the rural landless, and creating investment flows for rural communities.
National outcomes are strongly influenced both by developments in other countries and the international institutions and policies that govern interactions among nations. International trade and finance rules, global data gathering and information sharing, and foreign financial and technical assistance can alter vulnerabilities to climate stresses and influence the potential of mitigation efforts.
This Roundtable will explore the set of essential policies and institutions, both nationally and internationally, to create the appropriate incentives to enhance agricultural adaptation and mitigation responses.
Lead Speaker: Rajiv Shah, Under Secretary, U.S. Department of Agriculture (TBC)
Gerald C. Nelson, Senior Research Fellow, IFPRI
Dr. Akin Adesina, Vice President for Policy and Partnerships, AGRA (Alliance for a Green Revolution in Africa)
Arsenio Balisacan – Professor, School of Economics, UP Diliman and Head of SEARCA
Moderator: Wendy Mann, Senior Advisor on Natural Resource Management and the Environment, FAO
Wrapping up: Pramod K. Joshi, National Centre for Agricultural Economics and Policy Research (NCAP), India
Objective of the Roundtable: To identify needs related to institution building, national and international policy development, and financing that enhance the policy environment for agriculture and climate change.
Key Questions:
What are the key elements of a development strategy that facilitate climate change resilience?
When and in what ways should policies and programs for climate resilience differ from those needed to enhance food security?
What are the information and analysis needs for policy makers to devise climate resilient development strategies?
What are the financial implications of these needs?
See http://www.agricultureday.org/roundtable-discussions.html#2
3) Forest Day
Sunday 13 December
See http://www.cifor.cgiar.org/Events/ForestDay3/Introduction/
4) Oceans Day
Monday 14 December
See http://www.globaloceans.org/Oceans_day/index.html