FAO vil forbedre fødevaresikkerheden for fattige burmesere


Et treårigt FAO-program skal forbedre fødevaresikkerheden på lang sigt for fattige familier, der lever af fiskeri og landbrug i Burma.

ROME, 28 May 2009 (FAO): A three-year Italian-funded FAO programme to improve the long-term food security of 32.000 poor fishing and farming families in Burma has been agreed, the UN food and agricultural agency (FAO) said Thursday.

The programme will assist Burma to develop sustainable small-scale fisheries and aquaculture livelihoods in coastal mangrove ecosystems and improve rice production. Many of the beneficiaries are victims of last years devastating cyclone Nargis that killed around 150.000 people.

– All together, the livelihoods of over 32.000 households will be improved through these three projects, said Shin Imao, FAOs Representative in Burma.

– These households join the over 112.000 households that FAO assisted between June 2008 and May 2009, as part of its 17 million US dollar cyclone Nargis assistance project and the hundreds of thousands of other families in various parts of Burma that FAO is working with and has worked with during its thirty years in this country, noted Imao.

Giuseppe Cinti, Italys Ambassador in Burma, said Italy had already contributed 8 million dollar to Burmas recovery effort, with 6 million going to FAO-implemented projects. He said the new programme “will be implemented, with the aim of giving the people of Burma the tools for their empowerment.”

Under the three projects, small-scale farmers and fishers will be helped to improve production through the introduction of modern technology.

In addition, new employment should be generated and incomes improved by increasing the availability of quality seeds and community-based water management and reviving ecosystems.

Kilde: www.fao.org