Filmfestival i Norden leder efter Afrikas kreative kulturelle puls

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Hvad er afrikanske film? Findes der nogen fællesnævner? Det søger en særlig festival om kontinentets filmindustri at kaste lys over i Helsinki i maj. Debat og masser af film, skiver Nordiska Afrikainstitutet (NAI) i sit seneste nyhedsbrev onsdag.

Is there such a thing as African film? Do mass-produced African films, such as Nollywood films (from Nigeria), , and films shown at film festivals have anything in common?

In what way do these films provide a public sphere in which important issues are aired?

This and other questions will be discussed at one of the events at the up-coming Helsinki African Film Festival.

NAI guest researcher Vicensia Shule will be a member of this discussion panel, which NAI researcher Mats Utas will moderate.

In addition, Annika Teppo, leader of NAI’s urban cluster, will provide an introduction to the Images of Moral Communities in Africa session, during which the films “Jew Man Business” and “The Rainmakers” will be screened.

The showings will be followed by a discussion involving NAI researchers Terje Oestigaard and Mats Utas.

The festival will take place on Thursday 15 May 2014, 14.00 – 18.30 hours at Kino Engel, Helsinki.

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