Flere turister på Kinas store mur

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Menneskehedens største bygningsværk og et enestående kulturmindesmærke, Den Store Mur, (som kan ses fra rummet) vil blive gjort mere tilgængelig for turister, som strømmer til.

China will open two new parts of the Great Wall to meet high tourist demand, because the four parts of the wall currently open to the public are overcrowded on weekends and holidays, writes BBC online Saturday.

The authorities will now open the Huanghuacheng and Hefangkou areas.

China recently announced the results of a state survey which found the Great Wall is considerably longer than first thought.

According to the study, the wall is 21.196 km long, rather than an estimate of 8.850 km given in 2009.

Known to the Chinese as the “Long Wall of 10.000 Li”, the Great Wall is a series of walls and earthen works to protect China’s northern border begun in 500 BC (før Kristi fødsel) and first linked up under Qin Shi Huang in about 220BC.

Only 8,2 per cent of the original wall remains intact, with the rest in poor condition, according to a report.

It was listed as a UNESCO world heritage site in 1987 in honour of the largest man-made structure ever built.