FN-boss i 2015 status: Et år med gennembrud – og rædsler

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NEW YORK, 16 December 2015 (UN News Service): As 2015 draws to a close, UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon summed up the “pivotal year” by highlighting landmark steps taken to advance sustainable development, climate action, conflict resolution and provision of humanitarian assistance.

“The Paris Agreement on climate change is a sign of hope in troubled times. It is a triumph for multilateralism that shows the United Nations delivering results the world desperately needs,” said Mr. Ban in his opening remarks at his year-end press conference summarizing the activities of the UN system.

“The Paris Agreement surpassed expectations. World leaders recognized that we could and must do better than settling for the lowest common denominator”, said Mr. Ban adding:

“So they reached higher. The Paris Agreement gives us ‘Plan A’ for the planet – A for ambition,” said he, highlighting the coherence seen during the UN climate change conference (COP21) this year.

After nine years of pushing hard for the agreement, the Secretary-General stressed that he will “press world leaders to translate promise into practice” by implementing it.

Andre milepæle i 2015

Turning to other milestones in 2015, the UN chief spotlighted the recently adopted 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (dagsorden 2030) and its “crystallized” 17 Goals which stand as an “overarching guide” to end poverty and build peaceful societies.

He further highlighted the significance of the Addis Ababa Action Agenda adopted in July which provides a blueprint for financing for development.

The UN chief stressed that investing in development early will avert crises down the road, for which the Sendai Framework on Disaster Risk Reduction, agreed in March, points the way toward resilience (opbygge modstandskraft).

“Taken together, these plans and pacts have set the stage for a future that leaves no one behind,” emphasized the Secretary-General.

Ønsker ny global aftale om flygtninge og fordrevne

At the same time, Mr. Ban reviewed the situation of “epic flows” of refugees and displaced persons in 2015 and added that in the New Year “the world needs to aim for a new global compact on human mobility.”

“Demonizing and scapegoating people based on their religion, ethnicity or country of origin has no place in the 21st century,” he stressed.

He also noted that the UN has appealed for 20 billion US dollar (henved 140 mia. DKR) to meet next year’s humanitarian needs, which is five times the level of one decade ago.

And while donors have been “exceedingly generous,” 2016 will likely begin with a funding gap of more than 10 billion dolllar (ca. 70 mia. DKR) – the largest ever.

Humanitært topmøde i 2016

Speaking about the World Humanitarian Summit to be held in May 2016 in Istanbul, Turkey, Mr. Ban said that conference will be critical moment to address systemic funding problems, and agree on concrete steps to better prepare for and respond to crises.

“The world must invest more political energy in preventing and ending conflict, and in addressing violations of human rights – our best early warning signs of greater trouble to follow,” said the Secretary-General.

He added that the efforts made this week to resolve conflict through diplomacy are “front and centre.”

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