FN trapper op mod Nordkorea: Forbrydelser mod menneskeheden

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Overgrebene mod et helt folks fundamentale ret til et anstændigt liv er så omfattende og systematiske, at FNs særlige Nordkorea-overvåger ikke længere tøver med at kalde en spade for en spade, når det gælder landet med det store gulag.

GENEVA, 11 March 2013 (UN News Service): Many of the systematic patterns of human rights violations documented in North Korea may constitute crimes against humanity, an independent United Nations expert said Monday.

Before the Human Rights Council, meeting in Geneva, Switzerland, the Special Rapporteur on the situation of human rights in North Korea, Marzuki Darusman, said his latest report identified nine patterns of violation in the communist-ruled country, some of which amount to crimes against humanity.

The nine patterns are:

1) violation of the right to food;
2) torture;
3) arbitrary (vilkårlig) detention;
4) violations of human rights associated with prison camps;
5) discrimination;
6) extensive violation of freedom of expression;
7) violation of the right to life;
8) restrictions on freedom of movement; and
9) enforced disappearances.

“I believe that many, if not all, of the nine patterns of violation, identified in my present report, may amount to crimes against humanity, committed as part of systematic and/or widespread attacks against civilian population,” Mr. Darusman told the Council.

Fandt frem til oplysningerne uden om regeringen

His latest report to the Council provides a comprehensive overview of the human rights situation in the country since the inception of his mandate in 2004.

The Special Rapporteur said that compiling the information for the report had not been easy due to the absence of independent monitors and media and the lack of cooperation of the Government.

But he stressed that the findings are credible and consistent, and highlight the need to set up a more detailed mechanism of inquiry (undersøgelse).

Kræver international upartisk undersøgelse

“The international community, through the United Nations, has the responsibility to launch an independent and impartial (upartisk) inquiry into a situation, where there are grounds to believe that crimes against humanity are being committed and the country concerned fails to carry out effective independent and impartial inquiries itself,” Mr. Darusman said, adding:

“While usually not sufficient in and by itself to end crimes against humanity, increased scrutiny by international inquiry affords a measure of protection, especially when coupled with the prospect of future criminal investigations and the deterrent effect such a prospect may have on individual perpetrators (gerningsmænd).”

Mr. Darusman noted that the inquiry should examine the issues of institutional and personal accountability (ansvar) for such violations, and make appropriate recommendations to the North korean authorities and the international community for further action.

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