FN-udsending: Afghanistan styrer mod ny voldsspiral

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21 June 2016 (UN News): Progress on the economy and improving security is imperative so that Afghans have confidence in their Government, the United Nations envoy in Afghanistan said today.

Civilian losses remain high

Mr. Haysom said he remains deeply concerned about the impact that the high level of violence is having on the civilian population.

The envoy emphasized that only yesterday, an incident in Badakhshan had caused the death of 10 civilians, among them several children.

Yesterday, an improvised explosive device in a market area killed and injured dozens of civilians, including children, in the Kishem district of Badakhshan province, while in Kabul, a suicide attack in a crowded area killed and injured a number of Nepalese contractors, including diplomatic security guards, as well as Afghan civilians.

In another attack yesterday, several civilians, including a provincial council member, were injured. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon condemned the attacks and called on those responsible to be brought to justice.

Mr. Haysom also told the Council that, in his view, there is a risk that the conflict in Afghanistan may enter a new phase that could see retaliatory acts of vengeance and an escalating spiral of violence.

Peace is not a luxury

On the economic front, Mr. Haysom noted there has been progress in revenue collection and in developing thoughtful medium-term plans for reform. The UN envoy praised the establishment by President Ghani of the High Council of Governance, Justice and Anti-Corruption, among other initiatives, as a positive step towards demonstrating results in the everyday lives of Afghans.

Looking forward, Mr. Haysom said he remains optimistic that Afghans can meet the challenges that confront them.