FN: Ulovlig handel med dyr og planter er en alvorlig forbrydelse

Forfatter billede

FN-resolution opfordrer medlemslandene til at skærpe straffen for ulovlig handel med vilde dyr og planter, herunder elfenben og horn fra næsehorn, så gerningsmænd kan få op til fire års i fængsel i stedet for mindre bøder som ofte nu.

Governments meeting to discuss responses to global crime waves are urging countries to impose strict penalties for the trafficking wildlife products like elephant ivory and rhino horn, WWF writes on its website.

Members of the United Nations Commission on Crime Prevention and Criminal Justice Friday passed a resolution encouraging UN member states “to make illicit trafficking in wild fauna and flora a serious crime” and to ensure organized criminal groups are prosecuted.

Under UN rules, serious crimes should receive sentences of up to four years in prison or more. In many instances wildlife smugglers are released after paying fines significantly lower than the value of the illegal goods.

“Today the commissioners took a critical step forward by recognizing the serious, transnational and organized nature of wildlife and forest crime. These crimes are not only putting the survival of endangered species in peril, but are also threatening security and sustainable economic development,” said Wendy Elliott, leader of WWF’s campaign against wildlife crime.

“We urge governments worldwide to use every tool available to combat these crimes, which are also taking human lives,” added he.
