FN: verden har ikke råd til endnu et år som 2006 i Mellemøsten


Warning the Security Council that the world cannot afford another year like 2006 in the Middle East and Lebanon, the top United Nations political officer Thursday called for a “resumed political process” between Israel and the Palestinians.

He added that solutions are also urgently needed in Lebanon, where more clashes occurred in the capital Beirut.

Under-Secretary-General for Political Affairs Ibrahim Gambari described the last month or so as a period of “heightened levels of instability and suffering”.

Although he said there was a renewed sense of international urgency to find a political way ahead in the region, as shown by next week’s planned meeting of the diplomatic Quartet – the UN, European Union, Russian Federation and United States – and other initiatives.

– None of us can afford another year like the last one in Lebanon and the Middle East. Therefore, a resumed political process between Israel and the Palestinians is a clear priority, he said.

Kilde: www.un.org