FNs humanitære indsats står med milliardhul i 2013

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FN mangler ca. 47 milliarder kr. (8,6 mia. dollars) i resten af 2013, hvis man vil nå ud til 73 millioner nødlidende kloden over, og især i Syrien og dets nabolande er situationen akut samtidig med at donortrætheden er tiltagende.

GENEVA, 17 July 2013 (UN News Service): Nearly 13 billion US dollar is needed this year – about a third of that amount for Syria and its neighbouring countries – to provide aid to 73 million people, the top United Nations humanitarian official said Wednesday.

“That is an extra 8,6 billion dollar to raise by the end of the year,” the UN Emergency Coordinator, Valerie Amos said from Geneva as she gave a snapshot of the Organization’s mid-year humanitarian assessment.

Calling 2013 an “extraordinary year,” Ms. Amos, stressed that millions of people around the world desperately need help feeding their families, treating malnourished children and getting safe drinking water and other essential supplies.

At least 4,4 billion dollar of the budgeted need is for crisis-riven Syria where some 5.000 people are being killed every month.

According to the UN, the two-year conflict has also sparked the worst refugee crisis for 20 years, with an average of 6.000 people a day fleeing the country in 2013.

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