Forskere: Det er ingen respit i klodens opvarmning

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Amerikanske forskere er nået frem til, at antagelserne om en pause i den globale opvarmning de seneste 15 år er en “illusion” og baserer sig på unøjagtige og forældede data, skriver BBC online torsdag.

Updated observations show temperatures did not plateau (flade ud), say National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration (Noaa) scientists in the US.

The idea of a global warming “hiatus” (afbrydelse) arose from questions over why the trend of warming temperatures appeared to be stalling recently compared to the later part of the 20th Century.

Various explanations have been put forward, including changes in volcanic and solar activity, and ocean currents.

The new analysis corrects for ocean observations made using different methods as well as including new data on surface temperatures.

But Dr Peter Stott of the Met Office Hadley Centre said the results “still show the warming trend over the past 15 years has been slower than previous 15 year periods. Natural variability in the climate system or other external factors has still had an influence and it is important we fully understand all the processes at work”.

According to the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC = FNs Klimapanel), global average temperatures have increased by around 0.05C per decade in the period between 1998 and 2012.

This compares with an average of 0.12 per decade between 1951 and 2012.

The new analysis suggests a figure of 0.116 per decade for 2000-2014, compared with 0.113 for 1950-1999.