Gode udsigter på den internationale “ozondag”

Thomas Jazrawi

Det fremgår af en pressemeddelelse fra Institute for Governance & Sustainable Development (IGSD) fredag: 

The biggest, fastest climate mitigation available this year is within reach when Parties to the Montreal Protocol meet in Kigali, Rwanda in October to consider finalizing an amendment to phase down super climate pollutants known as HFCs. 

But to complete the amendment next month—and make a big down payment on the Paris Agreement—, there are still a few reluctant parties who will need to be convinced to improve their ambition.

Fast action to cut HFCs can avoid up to 100 billion tonnes of CO2-equivalent emissions by 2050, and avoid up to 0.5°C of warming by the end of the century.

This is more than 10% of the climate mitigation needed to stay below the 2°C guardrail for limiting warming above pre-industrial levels.

An extra 100 billion tonnes of CO2-equivalent emissions can be avoided through energy efficiency improvements catalyzed during the phase down.  

Kommentarer fra nøglepersoner:

UNFCCC Executive Secretary Patricia Espinosa & Nobel Laureate Mario Molina                    

“If the world is to succeed in quickly reducing global emissions to prevent climate change from reaching catastrophic levels, phasing down HFCs is a sensible – perhaps most sensible – first step.”

UN Secretary General Ban Ki Moon:

“…the work of the Montreal Protocol is not yet done… A political commitment to managing HFCs under the Montreal Protocol…[will] be another strong victory for multilateral efforts to safeguard our environment. On this International Day, let us ensure that we protect our climate the way we have preserved the ozone layer.” 

COP22 Climate Champion and Morocco Minister of Environment Hakima El Haite & COP21 Climate Champion Laurence Tubiana:                    

“International cooperation to replace HFCs is one of the first concrete measures to implement the Paris Agreement. The phase down of HFC – as well as other short lived climate pollutants who have a high warming potential- will allow us to gain time in the race against time in which we are engaged.”

Retired Lt-General and Former Pakistan Defense Secretary Tariq Waseem Ghazi & Retired Air Marshal and Former Commander-in-Chief of Indian Air Force A.K. Singh:

 “Fast action is needed to cut HFCs to counter the double-barreled assault of self-amplifying climate feedbacks, starting with mitigating the melting Arctic sea ice.”

US President Barack Obama:

“And building on the idea that began in Montreal three decades ago, lets finally phase down dangerous HFC greenhouse gases. This is the only planet we’ve got and this may be the last shot we’ve got to save it.…”