Hip Hop er blevet international – et studie fra Sierra Leone

Hedebølge i Californien. Verdens klimakrise har enorme sundhedsmæssige konsekvenser. Alligevel samtænkes Danmarks globale klima- og sundhedsindsats i alt for ringe grad, mener tre  debattører.

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Af Boima Tucker

Nyt papir fra Nordisk Afrika-institut (NAI) i Sverige analyserer de politiske virkninger af unges deltagelse i det globale fænomén i Sierra Leone i Vestafrika.

Hip Hop has become a global force in recent years. However, when taken up by youth outside its American birthplace, it is often dismissed as a shallow (hul) adaptation (tilpasning) or imitation of American popular culture.

But its global popularity cannot be questioned, and its proliferation is aided by its adaptability to local contexts. It has become associated with an emergent youth political identity in many parts of the world, a result of its ability to embody rebellious youth energy.

Hip Hop is a new global lingua franca for youth rebellion that exists beyond the boundaries of the state, and is aided by the emergence of the internet and accompanying communications technologies.

Analysis of the political ramifications of Hip Hop in West African societies is vital to gaining a true sense of what democracy means in the local context.

This paper focuses on the West African country of Sierra Leone, and explores how youth participation in Hip Hop there is a radical political project.

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Kilde: Seneste nyhedsbrev onsdag fra Nordiska Afrikainstituttet i Uppsala, hvor Boima Tucker er tilknyttet.

Se om Hip Hop på http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hip_hop