Hvad er konsekvenserne af de mange filippinere i udlandet?

Forfatter billede

Få nationer har så mange indbyggere, der arbejder i udlandet, som Filipppinerne; f.eks. som au pair i Danmark, men også i en stribe andre lande kloden over finder man de nøjsomme og arbejdsomme indvånere fra ø-riget i Stillehavet. Men hvad er konsekvenserne?

In Focus: Kitakits – Migration and Overseas Philipin@s

Philipin@s, or migrant workers from the Philippines, who leave their home country in huge numbers (app. eleven million in 2009) to find a better paid job, or just a job, abroad are scattered all over the world.

Some go for relatively high-paid educated jobs in the West, but the majority work in the Middle East or Asia as domestic workers, construction workers or “entertainers” under precarious conditions.

The money these migrant workers send home to their families represent more than 10 percent of the GNP of the Philippine economy and assume an important socio-economic function in the Philippe society.

At the same time the migration of skilled workers creates a brain-drain on the domestic labour market.

In this week’s “In Focus blog” on the AsiaPortal (www.asiaportal.info) Niklas Reese, social scientist and researcher in the University of Bonn and lecturer for South East Asian Studies at the University of Passau, provides an in-depth analysis of the flow of migrant workers from the Philippines.

Se fokus-bloggen på http://infocus.asiaportal.info/2012/06/19/kitatits

And of the social and economic consequences for the Philippine society.

Yderligere oplysninger hos:
Inga-Lill Blomkvist, Librarian & Web coordinator
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