International NGO: Danida-strategi forbigår kunstnerisk ytringsfrihed


Ny menneskerettighedsstrategi har hverken referencer til UNESCO konvention eller truslen mod kunstnernes ytringsfrihed, mener Freemuse, den internationale organisation for musikalsk ytringsfrihed.

Danidas udkast til en ny strategi for Demokratisering og Menneskerettigheder (“Democratisation and Human Rights for the benefit of the people”) har mange gode intentioner, men overser desværre den meget tætte sammenhæng mellem kunst, ytringsfrihed og menneskerettigheder, skriver Freemuse i sit høringssvar om strategien ifølge en pressemelding tirsdag.

– Kunstnerne spiller en meget vigtig rolle for samfundenes kulturelle mangfoldighed og ytringsfrihed, siger Ole Reitov, programchef i Freemuse, hvis internationale sekretariat ligger i København.

– Der er en international tendens til at sidestille ytringsfrihed med ytringsfrihed for journalister, men ofte glemmes kunstnernes vigtige rolle. I mange lande – ikke mindst i Afrika – udtrykker kunstnerne folkets frustrationer over korruption og fattigdom, anfører Reitov og lægger til:

– Kunstnerne når ud til alle – også analfabeter – og derfor trues og forfølges mange kunstnere af politiske despoter. Derfor er det vigtigt, at Danida skærper sin kulturelle og kunstneriske profil i forbindelse med den nye strategi.

Freemuse henviser til en tale, udviklingsminister Ulla Tørnæs (V) holdt i februar ved Kulturudvalgets og Udenrigsudvalgets høring om Kultur og Udvikling. Ministeren påpegede, at politiske og økonomiske virkemidler ikke gør det alene.

“Kulturel mangfoldighed og et levende kulturliv er også betinget af fred og frihed, respekt for menneskerettighederne samt velstand og udvikling. Det er det, vi arbejder på at sikre – også gennem dansk udviklingsbistand,” sagde Ulla Tørnæs.

Ministeren henviste til Danmarks ratificering af UNESCO-konventionen om kulturel mangfoldighed og nævnte, at Danida “målrettet arbejder med at inddrage den kulturelle dimension i udviklingssamarbejdet.”

Desværre har forfatterne til den nye Danida strategi for Demokratisering og Menneskerettigheder helt forbigået ministerens målrettede intentioner. UNESCO konventionen er hverken nævnt i strategiudkastet eller inkluderet i anbefalingerne, anfører Freemuse.

Freemuse har i sit høringssvar påpeget, at det er vigtigt at inddrage “kulturel mangfoldighed” som reference og indsatsområde, ligesom man peger på nødvendigheden at inddrage og støtte internationale uafhængige menneskeretsorganisationers viden og ekspertise.

I sit høringssvar anbefaler Freemuse, at strategien:

– støtter og stimulerer kulturel mangfoldighed og ytringsfrihed for kulturelle udtryk
– støtter det arbejde som uafhængige internationale ytringsfrihedsorganisationer udfører med henblik på kunstneres ytringsfrihed.

Vi binger her hele høringssvaret som DOKUMENT:

Copenhagen, 23-03-2009

Re: Input regarding Democratisation and Human Rights for the benefit of the people

Freemuse welcomes the Danida draft “Democratisation and Human Rights for the benefit of the people”.

Freemuse is the only international organisation advocating freedom of expression for musicians and composers worldwide. The secretariat is based in Copenhagen.

We would like to share with you a few comments and suggestions:

As Denmark has ratified the UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions it seems important that the intentions of the convention are integrated in your strategy.

We would further like to stress the importance that freedom of expression for artists is highlighted and supported in your policy paper as artists play a particular role in developing countries.

Our proposals and comments relate to:

Current draft:
6.2.2 Participation and voice
Guiding principles – participation and voice
Denmark will: ……page 18

Support and stimulate cultural diversity and freedom of cultural expressions


Denmark has ratified the UNESCO Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions. It is a clear intention that the convention is integrated in various policies including freedom of expression.

As artists in developing countries often represent the ‘voice of the voiceless’ it is particularly necessary to support, promote and guarantee their freedom of expression.

Current draft, same page
Support in this area encompasses:
– The pursuit of independent accountability ……….
– Promotion of the rights of women, indigenous peoples, people with disabilities, children and other marginalised groups.

– promotion of cultural diversity and freedom of expression of artists


Artistic expressions reflect the cultural identities of many peoples. Artists can play an essential role in development, democratisation and creation of identity. Freedom of artistic expression is essential for a democratic society.

Denmark – in line with the UNESCO Convention – can more actively support the protection and development of freedom of artistic expression.

Similarly diversity of cultural expressions includes minorities’ rights to express themselves.

By mentioning cultural diversity in the policy papers Denmark not only shows a way forward of understanding the role of artists role in democracies and free speech but equally points out that the UNESCO convention is an essential instrument of human rights

Current draft:
7. Making better use of global actors
Guiding principles – global actors
Denmark will:
Actively promote the vision and values outlined in this paper and in the Danish Government’s human rights…….
Support international bodies (such as UN development organisations) to strengthen their human rights service, capacities and coordination.


Support essential international/global organisations documenting violations of human rights and advocating freedom of expression


Independent international organisations such as International Pen, Freemuse and Index on Censorship are collecting substantial documentation of violations of freedom of speech of artists advocating their rights to freedom of expression and monitoring the effects of repression.

Independent Human Rights organisations play an essential role globally, but are increasingly facing difficulties in obtaining global funding. The risk is that the current focus national funding and activity funding removes an essential foundation for international NGO’s

Freemuse welcomes any questions and further dialogue.

Yours sincerely

Marie Korpe
Executive Director
e-mail [email protected]

Yderligere oplysninger hos FREEMUSE – Freedom of Musical Expression, Ole Reitov, Programme Manager, Nytorv 17, 3. sal., 1450 Kbn K, Tel: 33 32 10 27 og e-mail E-mail: [email protected]. Web:

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