IRENA lancerer nyt globalt atlas over vedvarende energiressourcer

Hedebølge i Californien. Verdens klimakrise har enorme sundhedsmæssige konsekvenser. Alligevel samtænkes Danmarks globale klima- og sundhedsindsats i alt for ringe grad, mener tre  debattører.

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Verdens første globale atlas over vedvarende energiressourcer blev lanceret mandag. Det globale sol- og vindatlas vil være et godt værktøj, når der skal træffes de rigtige beslutninger om fremtidens investeringer i vedvarende energi, siger klima- og energiminister Martin Lidegaard (R) om den nye internetbaserede platform.

Det globale atlas lanceres af Det Internationale Agentur for Vedvarende Energi, som også Danmarks Klima- og Energiminister er involveret i.

ABU DHABI (IRENA), January 21, 2013: The world’s first open-access Global Atlas of renewable energy resources has attracted a surge of new interest since going live yesterday, Monday – with 37 countries having joined the initiative to date.

Martin Lidegaard: Atlas til hjælp for investeringer

“In the next 10 years we expect a huge rise in the investments in renewable energy. The Global Solar and Wind Atlas will help us make the right decisions”, says Martin Lidegaard, Danish Minister of Climate, Energy and Building, and President of the 3rd session of the IRENA Assembly.

Global Atlas contains high quality resource maps on the potential of renewable energy and is a tool for policy makers and investors to develop programmes that support sustainable energy for all.

It is the largest ever initiative to help countries assess their renewable energy potential, and companies bringing together data and maps from leading technical institutes and private companies worldwide. It currently charts solar and wind resources, and will expand to other forms of renewable energy over 2013 and 2014.

Atlas kommer i kølvandet på World Future Energy Summit i Abu Dhabi

Its launch comes as 150 countries gather to chart the future of international renewable energy policy in Abu Dhabi at the World Future Energy Summit.

The Internet-based platform – accessible to all at – is designed to raise awareness of the world’s renewable energy potential, and to help companies looking to invest in new markets. A video and brochure is also available through the webportal:

“The Global Atlas provides a powerful new tool in international efforts to double the world’s share of renewable energy by 2030,” said Adnan Z. Amin, IRENA Director-General.

Fakta om IRENA:

IRENA is mandated by 159 countries and the European Union to promote the sustainable use of all forms of renewable energy, and to serve as the global hub for renewable energy cooperation and information exchange.

Formally established in 2011, IRENA is the first major international organization to be headquartered in the Middle East.

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