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Aarhus Universitet markerer global aktionsdag for politisk fange i Swaziland

TID: Mandag d. 5. september, kl. 19 – 22

STED: Cafeen – Studenterhus Aarhus, Aarhus Universitet, Nordre Ringgade 3, 8000 Århus C.

Gratis adgang og alle er velkomne. Mødet foregår på engelsk

Arrangør: Studenterrådet ved Aarhus Universitet


Welcome and introduction of speakers


TID: Mandag d. 5. september, kl. 19 – 22

STED: Cafeen – Studenterhus Aarhus, Aarhus Universitet, Nordre Ringgade 3, 8000 Århus C.

Gratis adgang og alle er velkomne. Mødet foregår på engelsk

Arrangør: Studenterrådet ved Aarhus Universitet


Welcome and introduction of speakers

The situation in Swaziland and Maxwell’s history (Nina Rasmussen, Danish Student Council, vice chairman)

A global perspective on student politics (Marie, Danish Student Council, International Group)

Voluntary group discussions, petition, possibility to form a local Aarhus University International Group.


In Denmark students do not fear police, politicians or others when engaging in student politics. That is not the case everywhere in the world. One grim example of this is Maxwell Dlamini’s history.

Maxwell is a young man living in Swaziland. He was detained on April 12th on false accusations that he was in possession of explosives.

Yet it is clear that his detention arose from his active involvement in fighting for student rights against a scholarship policy that the Swazi government drafted independently without the input of students whose futures are at stake.

Why now?

September the 5th is a global action day. It is the International Student Movement – Africa that initiated the initiative. Since there is no embassy/consulate of Swaziland near Aarhus this event is our way of showing our support for Maxwell.

More information:
Read more about the global action day at

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