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Afrika seminar: Hvis ret? Formel og uformel retfærdighed i forhold til menneskerettigheder

TIME: Wednesday, 24 October, 10 – 12

VENUE: Centre of African Studies, Auditorium 12, Købmagergade 44, 1150 Copenhagen K.

Modern constitutional democracies generally equate the defence of human rights and the acheivement of justice with the consolidation of formalised legal systems.

TIME: Wednesday, 24 October, 10 – 12

VENUE: Centre of African Studies, Auditorium 12, Købmagergade 44, 1150 Copenhagen K.

Modern constitutional democracies generally equate the defence of human rights and the acheivement of justice with the consolidation of formalised legal systems.

However, in many sub-Saharan African countries, formal legal systems co-exist with informal system of justice, which often enjoy substantial support. Is there a contradicition? What about human rights? How to judge between the two?

A panel of African human rights lawyers will provide concrete examples from Uganda, Zimbabwe, Zambia and Ethiopia followed by a collective discussion about the issues involved. The panel is:

– Dr. Lungowe Matakala, (RPP) University of Zambia, School of Law, Zambia
– LLM Ayalew Getachew (RPP) Mekelle University, Faculty of Law, Ethiopia
– Mr. Caleb Mutandwa, (RPP) Justice for Children Trust, Zimbabwe
– Ms. Irene Anying, Human Rights Focus, HURIFO, Uganda

The panel is hosted by the Centre of African Studies and delivered as part of the MA course “Non-state Social Order” taught by assistant professor at CAS, André Sonnichsen.

Participation is open to all who may be interested.