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Afrika-seminar: Politiske udfordringer i Mugabes Zimbabwe

TIME: Wednesday, 7 December, 16.00-18.00

VENUE: Centre of African Studies, Købmagergade 46, 4th floor, 1150 Copenhagen K, Auditorium 12

Free admittance and all are welcome

TIME: Wednesday, 7 December, 16.00-18.00

VENUE: Centre of African Studies, Købmagergade 46, 4th floor, 1150 Copenhagen K, Auditorium 12

Free admittance and all are welcome

Zimbabwe has experienced a sustained period of political and economic crisis since the late 1990s with political and structural violence intensifying during the mid to late 2000s, creating dire conditions for the majority of Zimbabweans and mass dislocation from both rural and urban areas.

A Global Political Agreement between the main political parties (Zanu PF and two factions of the MDC) in 2008 led to the formation of a transitional government in early 2009. This heralded in some positive developments, but has not resolved many of the most pressing problems.

Among the ongoing challenges is the contested question of finalising a new and much needed constitution which is one of the conditions of new elections. The date for such elections remains an arena of conflict in itself, while there is already a rise in political violence in anticipation of whenever these may be held.

One of the earlier turning points in Zimbabwe’s contemporary political landscape was the formation of a constitutional movement in the late 1990s, spearheaded by the grassroots-based National Constitutional Assembly (NCA).

A key figure in this movement continues to be Lovemore Madhuku, who, together with his NCA colleague, Munjodzi Mutandiri, will provide an overview of the current political environment: what this means for the operations of civic society organizations, the broader opportunities and threats presented by the present transition, and the challenges of ensuring a conducive environment for a meaningful and credible electoral environment.

We will also hear about the NCA’s regional and international ‘ACT NOW campaign against various forms of political violence in Zimbabwe

LOVEMORE MADHUKU is a founding member and current Chairperson of the National Constitutional Assembly (NCA). He has a long history in the struggle for a democratic constitution in Zimbabwe, with strong roots in the labour and democracy movements.

He has pursued his vision of a democratic Zimbabwe and NCA’s vision of a genuinely people driven constitution in spite of numerous violent, legal and verbal attacks from the Zimbabwe authorities.

MUNJODZI MUTANDIRI is Coordinator of the NCA’s International Office in Johannesburg. With a history in the Zimbabwean student and democracy movements, he has been active in human rights and political issues in Zimbabwe for more than a decade.

He is the driving force behind NCA’s international campaign “ACT NOW Against Political Violence, Torture and Rape” and has been involved in research on mining, development and politics.

Facilitator: MSO Professor in African Studies, Amanda Hammar.

Yderligere oplysninger hos:
Julie Katrine Oxenvad
E-mail: [email protected] og tlf. 35 32 25 85