

Arrangør: N/A

Bog-lancering: Handelsrelationer mellem Danmark og Latinamerika

TIME: Wednesday, 10 october, 16 – 18

VENUE: Auditorium RS20, Copenhagen Business School (CBS), Råvarebygningnen, 2000 Frederiksberg

The goal for this event is to raise awareness of Latin America and Denmark business relations, to foster business development, international dialogue and exchange on this topic, and thereby to further strengthen mutual cooperation.


TIME: Wednesday, 10 october, 16 – 18

VENUE: Auditorium RS20, Copenhagen Business School (CBS), Råvarebygningnen, 2000 Frederiksberg

The goal for this event is to raise awareness of Latin America and Denmark business relations, to foster business development, international dialogue and exchange on this topic, and thereby to further strengthen mutual cooperation.


16.00: Welcome to CBS: Dorte Salskov-Iversen, Head of Department – Dept. of Intercultural Communication and Management, CBS Vice President for International Affairs

16.10: Presentation of the Centre for Business and Development Studies (CBDS) & Book Presentation; Michael Wendelboe Hansen, Director of the CBDS; Jacobo Ramirez, Co-Editor and External Lecturer at CBS

16.20: Keynote Speech: The general relations between Argentina and Denmark – from the nineteenth century to the present; H.E. Ambassador Raúl A. Ricardes, Ambassador of Argentina in Denmark

16.35: Keynote Speech: Brazil –Challenges and opportunities for trade and investment; Mr. Renato de Ávila Viana, Deputy Head of Mission, ad interim Head of Consular and Trade Sectors

16.50: Keynote Speech: Latin America, a strategic partner to the EU: Shared values and growth opportunities; H.E. Ambassador Martha Elena Barcena Coqui, Ambassador of Mexico in Denmark

17.05: Keynote Speech: Venezuela-Denmark: Bilateral Relations; Dr. Roger Corbacho, Chargé d’Affaires a. i. of the Venezuela’s Embassy in Denmark

17.20: Keynote Speech: H.E. Ambassador Lars Thuesen, State Secretary for Trade and Strategy Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark

17.35: Questions and answers session. Moderated by: Jacobo Ramirez, Co-Editor and External Lecturer at CBS

18.00: Cocktail Offered by the CBDS

The book examines the relations between Latin America and Denmark, focussing on the role of business development. Individual chapters are written by the Ambassadors of Argentina, Chile, Mexico and the Deputy of Trade Sectors, ad interim of the Venezuela’s Embassy in Denmark, which examine the business development between the regions. This new book will be essential reading for practitioners and students working towards developing strong and sophisticated forms of cooperation and dialogue between Latin America and Denmark.

Registration is necessary – Free of charge. Everybody is most welcome. Please send an email with your name, position and institution to Vivian Veltman at [email protected]