

Arrangør: N/A

Darfur og det internationale samfund

Time: Thursday 30th September at 13 – 16 hours

Venue: Danish Institute for International Studies, Main Auditorium, ground floor, Strandgade 71, Christianshavn, 1401 Kbn K

The Darfur conflict lingers on. Sudan’s President Omar al-Bashir has been charged by the International Criminal Court with war crimes, crimes against humanity and of genocide in the country’s western region.

Time: Thursday 30th September at 13 – 16 hours

Venue: Danish Institute for International Studies, Main Auditorium, ground floor, Strandgade 71, Christianshavn, 1401 Kbn K

The Darfur conflict lingers on. Sudan’s President Omar al-Bashir has been charged by the International Criminal Court with war crimes, crimes against humanity and of genocide in the country’s western region.

In recent months, violence in Darfur has risen to similar levels as before a joint African Union-UN peacekeeping mission, UNAMID, was established in January 2008. Humanitarian organizations continue to wrestle with the Sudanese government for access to displaced civilian populations and have increasingly faced violence themselves in the unstable region.

At the same time, peace talks between the main rebel groups and the government fell apart in May with the upcoming referendum for independence in southern Sudan in January 2011 overshadowing the future of Darfur.

After having dominated news headlines for years, the Darfur conflict is losing attention in the international media despite the continual dire humanitarian situation. This seminar will take a look at the international response to the Darfur conflict over the last seven years and consider how it has had an impact on the ground.


Peter Woodward, Professor, University of Reading, UK
Luke Patey, Project Researcher, DIIS
Linnea Bergholm, Postdoc Researcher, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Joe Read, Research Fellow, Harvard University, USA Sweden


Introduction by Robin May Schott, Senior Researcher, DIIS

US Foreign Policy in Sudan by Peter Woodward, Professor, University of Reading, UK

The Life and Death of an Activist Campaign: China, India and the Limits of Sudan Divestment by Luke Patey, Project Researcher, DIIS

Open Discussion

Tea and Coffee break

Problems for the Safety and Security of Civilians in Darfur: The Effects of the African Union/UN Peacekeeping Operations by Linnea Bergholm, Postdoc Researcher, University of Gothenburg, Sweden

Realizing Treatment and Support for Women and Girls in Darfur: A Short History of the Protection Sector by Joe Read, Research Fellow, Harvard University, USA

Open Discussion

Chair: Robin May Schott, Senior Researcher, DIIS

The seminar will be held in English.

Participation is free of charge and includes lunch. Registration is required. Please use our online registration form on http://www.diis.dk/sw98980.asp

And do so no later than Wednesday, 29 September 2010 at 12.00 noon.

Please await confirmation by e-mail from DIIS for participation.

Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS), The Conference Section, Strandgade 56, 1401 Kbn K, tlf. 32 69 87 51 og e-mail: [email protected]. Web: www.diis.dk