

Arrangør: N/A

Debatmøde i Aalborg: Hvem er de mest sårbare i verden?

TIME: Wednesday, 15 February, from 19

VENUE: Café Kul Nordkraft, Kjellerups Torv 5, 9000 Aalborg

This event hopes to be the first of many, with a focus on a the most vulnerable in the world. You will help decide who they are.

TIME: Wednesday, 15 February, from 19

VENUE: Café Kul Nordkraft, Kjellerups Torv 5, 9000 Aalborg

This event hopes to be the first of many, with a focus on a the most vulnerable in the world. You will help decide who they are.

A group, which is definitely amongst the most vulnerable, are the children in D.R. Congo. There will be shown some video clips and some facts about the circumstances of children on the street, accused of witchcraft, working in mines etc.

A voting decides on the next theme to address, depending on your opinions about which are the groups most in need.

The situation will be adressed by looking at the organizations that help the children in DR. Congo. Bring your laptop, if you want to know a different way to helping out. As will be explained, the Charity Review & the Aid Evaluator have the goal of making it easy to access information about the available aid.

Everyone is welcome.


19:00: Introduction of TCR/Aid Evaluator
19:20: Documentary clips: Street Children in DRC
19:50: Discussion Who are the most Vulnerable in the world
20:10: You vote on the theme for the next event
20:20: Workshop: Bring your laptop and help make a difference
21:00: Continue the work, leave it or take it home
22:00: Café Kul closes