

Arrangør: N/A

Et efterår i bæredygtighedens tegn – seminar 1

Det første arrangement – Cradle to Cradle – handler om, hvordan virksomheder kan undgå affald eller producere deres produkter uden affald.

Tid: Fredag den 24. september, kl. 10.45 – 15.20

Sted: CBS (Handelshøjskolen i København), Carlsberg Group Auditorium, Solbjergplads 3, 2000 Frederiksberg

Gratis adgang og alle er velkomne

Tilmelding kan ske på [email protected]

Det første arrangement – Cradle to Cradle – handler om, hvordan virksomheder kan undgå affald eller producere deres produkter uden affald.

Tid: Fredag den 24. september, kl. 10.45 – 15.20

Sted: CBS (Handelshøjskolen i København), Carlsberg Group Auditorium, Solbjergplads 3, 2000 Frederiksberg

Gratis adgang og alle er velkomne

Tilmelding kan ske på [email protected]

Husk at angive navn, organisation samt navnet på den workshop, du ønsker at deltage i.


Part I: plenary
* Welcome by Tobias Lau, Manager/ Founder of Social Action
* The importance of creating sustainable business solutions in a global perspective by Margit Thomsen – former Ambassador to Mali, Head of Environment and Climate in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
* Introduction to Cradle to Cradle by Martin Fluri, Manager Cradle to Cradle
* Questions and rounding off by facilitator

Lunch Break: Lunch is not included and can be bought in the CBS canteen

Part II: working groups

Workshop 1:
Collaboration strategies in a Cradle to Cradle business environment. Case: Kvadrat www.kvadrat.dk The Workshop will be run by Jette Lindgaard, Quality & Production, Kvadrat and Christian Erik Kampmann, Department of Innovation and Organizational Economics (CBS).
Workshop 1 will develop strategic frameworks for the necessary collaboration with competitors, customers, suppliers, public and nongovernmental organizations, to speed up the foundation of infrastructures to support high value C2C materials streams.

Workshop 2:
Developing viable business models for a revolutionary form of carbon sequestration. Case: Globe Forum www.globeforum.com The workshop will be run by Per Löfberg, Project Manager Globe Forum and Patricia Plackett, Department of Operations Management (CBS).
Workshop 2 will focus on how to effectively engage key potential beneficiaries in biochar production and use in order to effectively implement a Cradle to Cradle perspective on carbon – looking at it as an asset rather than a liability – with applications in both developing and developed countries.

Workshop 3:
Involving endusers as Cradle to Cradle partners. Case: Egetæpper www.egecarpet.com The workshop will be run by Jan Ladefoged, Quality and environmental manager, Egetæpper and Niels Kornum, Department of Marketing (CBS).
Workshop 3 will be based on a case about the challenges of establishing a Cradle to Cradle system for carpets. How could the consumer be motivated to be involved in the process of securing the return of the carpets via e.g. economic incentives like leasing or include deposits in the purchase process? The wider implications of this case will be discussed.

Enjoy networking opportunities after the workshops at Nexus (CBS bar)


In June 2010 the Danish government adopted a new waste strategy including a new waste hierarchy in which prevention of waste has highest priority. The prevention of waste or production without waste is the core idea of the Cradle to Cradle approach to business development.

The Minister of Environment, Karen Ellemann, encourages Danish companies to brand themselves under this concept and with this seminar we wish to illustrate how C2C can be incorporated into core business in global/local value chains.

This includes production in developing countries, product/materials optimisation, and closure of material‐ and nutrient circulation loops with higher profits for all parties.

Man kan læse mere om Cradle to Cradle på

Yderligere oplysninger hos:

Caroline Pedersen
Dansk Kaffe Netværk
Blågårds Plads 1, 2200 København N
Tlf.: 28 30 45 55, E-mail: [email protected]
web: www.danskkaffenetvaerk.dk