

Arrangør: N/A

Et efterår i bæredygtighedens tegn – seminar 2

Blandt de mange tiltag er COSA det mest avancerede. COSA (Committee on Sustainability Assessment) har været med til at udvikle og afprøve metoder, så man kan vurdere effekten af bæredygtige initiativer i forskellige virkeligheder.

Blandt de mange tiltag er COSA det mest avancerede. COSA (Committee on Sustainability Assessment) har været med til at udvikle og afprøve metoder, så man kan vurdere effekten af bæredygtige initiativer i forskellige virkeligheder.

I efterårets 2. seminar om bæredygtighed vil der blive arbejdet med business cases og diskuteret bæredygtighedsvurderinger relateret til køn, biodiversitet og økonomisk vækst.

Tid: Fredag den 1. oktober, kl. 10.45 – 15.30

Sted: Copenhagen Business School (CBS), Pricewaterhousecoopers Auditorium, Solbjergplads 3, 2000 Frederiksberg,

Deltagelse kan ikke ske uden tilmeldning. Skriv en e-mail til [email protected] med navn, organisation, samt hvilken workshop du ønsker at deltage i.

Arrangør: Dansk Kaffe Netværk

Dagens PROGRAM (på engelsk):

Part I: plenary

* Welcome by facilitator Charlie Mpengula, Learning Facilitator, Niels Brock Innovation House
* Changing Course towards Sustainability? Some business perspectives, activities, and opportunities, by David Gee, Senior advisor, European Environment Agency
* State of the Art Methods of Assessing Sustainability: COSA’s real world results by Daniele Giovannucci, Co-Founder, Committee on Sustainability Assessment (COSA)
* Questions and rounding off by facilitator

Lunch Break

Part II: working groups

The workshop starts with a case presentation by the company and the certifying organisation followed by questions from the audience. The aim is to create an informal environment for the audience to participate in the case solving applying some of the lessons learned in part I.

Working Groups

Group 1: Case: Development of a long-term sustainable trade relationship, by André Mildam, Project Manager Nepenthes and Brian Sønderby Sundstrup, Special Consultant CSR FDB. Facilitator: David Gee

Group 2: Case: Fairtrade Mark Denmark (more information will follow). Facilitator: Charlie Mpengula

Group 3: Case: Economic development among coffee farmers in Nicaragua, by Morten Nielsen Project Manager, Merrild and Sarah Browne, Marketing & Communication, UTZ CERTIFIED. Facilitator: Daniele Giovannucci

About the Presenters

Mr. David Gee
David Gee graduated in politics and economics in 1968 and has worked for 36 years mainly at the science/policy interface of occupational & environmental risk reduction, with UK Trade Unions: with the Environmental Group, Friends of the Earth, where he was Director; and, since December 1995, with the European Environment Agency, an EU environmental information providing body, where he is Senior Adviser, Science, Policy, and Emerging Issues.

He has published many reports, peer reviewed articles, and lectures on issues such as Scientific Uncertainty; the Precautionary Principle; Environmental Health; Chemicals; Environmental Taxes, Ecological Tax Reform, (ETR) and Clean production/Eco-efficiency.

At FOE he initiated one of the first studies in Europe on the equity implications of green taxes, by the UK based Institute of Fiscal studies.

Mr. Daniele Giovannucci
Co-founder of the Committee on Sustainability Assessment (COSA), a global consortium of institutions and UN agencies advancing innovative ways to measure sustainability.

Since his seminal book on the world’s most important cash crop: “The State of Sustainable Coffee”, he has received several international awards for his pioneering work in coffee and sustainability and is cited as the most widely published author in this emerging field. Mr. Giovannucci is a former food company executive and then Senior Consultant to the World Bank Group.

Yderligere oplysninger hos:

Caroline Pedersen
Dansk Kaffe Netværk
Blågårds Plads 1, 2200 København N
Tlf.: 28 30 45 55 og e-mail: [email protected]
web: www.danskkaffenetvaerk.dk