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Film: The Micro Debt (Fanget af Mikrogæld)

Time: Monday 4. April, at 17 – 19 hours

Venue: Copenhagen Business School, SPs05 KPMG-auditoriet, Solbjerg Plads 3, 2000 Frederiksberg.
Buslinier: 18 (Falkoner Alle), 29 (Nyelandsvej) og 4A. Metro: M1 og M2

Time: Monday 4. April, at 17 – 19 hours

Venue: Copenhagen Business School, SPs05 KPMG-auditoriet, Solbjerg Plads 3, 2000 Frederiksberg.
Buslinier: 18 (Falkoner Alle), 29 (Nyelandsvej) og 4A. Metro: M1 og M2

‘The Micro Debt’, also sometimes referred to as ‘Caught in Microdebt’, is a critical investigation into the dark side of microcredit. The film takes a highly critical look at microfinance, and at Grameen Bank founder Muhammad Yunus.

During their travels the film crew meets with, and interviews, scores of microloan-takers, in order to investigate whether they have been successful or not.

Microfinance is often presented as either one of two extremes: as a miracle that brings people out of poverty by providing them with loans otherwise not accessible to them; or as a mechanism that further indebts poor people by placing impossible expectations on them to create a profitable business out of thin air and start repaying loans immediately.

In order to shed light on the complex issues surrounding the microcredit debate, after the film, there wil be a presentation on the psychological effects of microcredit by Christian Marcussen, as well as a discussion with Jens Ole Pedersen from LD Invest and board member at the Danish Forum for Microfinance.

To see the trailer please go to: http://www.flipthecoin.org/?p=346 or go to the event on facebook to sign up: http://www.facebook.com/#!/event.php?eid=119070981503931