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Foredrag: Køn og kultur i Kina

TID: Onsdag d. 7. december fra kl. 19:30

STED: Forsamlingshuset, Kulturstaldene, Onkel Dannys Plads, Halmtorvet 13, 1700 København V

Denise Gimpel forsker blandt andet i kinesisk litteratur, åndshistorie, krop og køn. Om sit foredrag, der holdes på engelsk, skriver Denise Gimpel:

„According to French thinker Michel Foucault bodies are the „inscribed surface of events“.

TID: Onsdag d. 7. december fra kl. 19:30

STED: Forsamlingshuset, Kulturstaldene, Onkel Dannys Plads, Halmtorvet 13, 1700 København V

Denise Gimpel forsker blandt andet i kinesisk litteratur, åndshistorie, krop og køn. Om sit foredrag, der holdes på engelsk, skriver Denise Gimpel:

„According to French thinker Michel Foucault bodies are the „inscribed surface of events“.
In other words, history writes itself and shows itself on our bodies. Each culture therefore has its own story to write on its members’ bodies and therefore bodies are one of the places in which we notice others’ difference very quickly: they leave the door open when they use the toilet, we close it; they don’t shave their armpits, we do. In the short talk I would like to

a) offer some examples of how and why history was written on Chinese men’s and women’s bodies and
b) insist that the definition of civilised behaviour is not the right of the West“.

Entre: Medlemmer af Dansk-Kinesisk Forening 20 kr., andre 30 kr.