

Arrangør: N/A

Forelæsning: Hvordan sundhedssystemer kan overleve en katastrofe

Time: Tuesday May 31 at 14- 15.30 hours

Venue: Centre for Health and Society (CSS), room 2.1.30, Øster Farigmagsgade 5, 1353 Copenhagen K

Organizer: Copenhagen School of Global Health

The community health dimensions of effective disaster preparedness and mitigation demonstrate the characteristics of complex adaptive system (CAS) dynamics.

Time: Tuesday May 31 at 14- 15.30 hours

Venue: Centre for Health and Society (CSS), room 2.1.30, Øster Farigmagsgade 5, 1353 Copenhagen K

Organizer: Copenhagen School of Global Health

The community health dimensions of effective disaster preparedness and mitigation demonstrate the characteristics of complex adaptive system (CAS) dynamics.

This lecture will focus on psychosocial transition from crisis to transformative change as observed in the functions of inter-connected systems and sub-systems of social and health responses, drawing on examples from Africa, Asia, and the United States.

Progress made over the past decade in profiling and (qualitatively and quantitatively) modeling human and institutional resilience using the rubrics of “Sense and Sensibilities of Coherence” (SSOC) will be outlined; and emerging research and policy questions for risk, vulnerability, and resilience analysts and practitioners considered.