

Arrangør: N/A

Fremtidens NGOer: Decentralisering og alliancer

Time: Tuesday 2nd. November at 9.00 – 16.30 hours

Venue: Borups Højskole, Frederiksholms Kanal 24, 1220 Kbn K

Sign up (tilmelding): Write a mail to [email protected] with name, organization and position.

Deadline for sign up is Tuesday October 26 (NEW extended deadline).

Time: Tuesday 2nd. November at 9.00 – 16.30 hours

Venue: Borups Højskole, Frederiksholms Kanal 24, 1220 Kbn K

Sign up (tilmelding): Write a mail to [email protected] with name, organization and position.

Deadline for sign up is Tuesday October 26 (NEW extended deadline).

International NGO Training and Research Centre (INTRAC’s) seminar on Future Directions in International NGO Structures offers the opportunity to explore some of the trends in the ways INGOs are restructuring international management models and structures.

Key challenges will be analysed and potential solutions discussed. The keynote speaker will be Dr John Hailey, Cass Business School, City University London.

The seminar will cover issues such as:
* Governance and accountability within decentralised structure
* International federations and alliances and the changes in management structures at country level
* The implications of the economic recession on decentralised management structures.
* The impact on relationships with Southern partners and the empowerment of local civil society organisations
* The Ways Forward for Danish NGOs

The seminar will be attended by senior NGO managers and offers a fantastic opportunity to discuss and share learning in this area.

PROGRAMME (revised)

Arrival with tea/coffee

Welcome – Brian Pratt, INTRAC Executive Director: Introduction and overview of Seminar

Keynote Session – INGOs of the Future: Cohesion and Fragmentation by Dr John Hailey, Cass Business School, City University London and INTRAC Founding Associate
A review of some of the issues and debates around INGO structures, and the wider research into international organizations. Questions chaired by Vagn Bertelsen, IBIS

Short break

Case-study Session – INGOs: Different Approaches, Different Models: Two case studies by experienced practitioners, drawing on their work with Action Aid and running a joint INGO office in Ethiopia.
* Dr Peter A C Moore, Board Member of Action Aid Kenya and Governance Advisor to the Chair of Action Aid International.
* Jonas Keiding Lindholm, Deputy Emergency Director and lead for the emergences port polio under International Programming Unit, Save the Children
* Beverly Jones, International Development Consultant

Questions chaired by Dr John Hailey, City University London


Form, Function and Dysfunction: INGOs of the Future by Dr Brian Pratt, INTRAC
An examination of the impact of form and function on the shape and structure of INGOs and how they might develop in the future. Questions chaired: Marianne Bo Paludan, Red Barnet (Save the Children Denmark)

Discussion Forums – INGO Structures: What Are The Ways Forward for Danish NGOs? Facilitator: Beverley Jones
Group discussions exploring the options for INGOs in light of recent experience and projected developments.

Tea/ coffee

Plenary Feedback from Discussion Forums. Facilitator: Cecilie Bjørnskov-Johansen, Danchurch Aid

The INTRAC NGO-forum by Dr Brian Pratt, INTRAC

Closing Session chaired by Dr John Hailey, City University London: Reflections and summary of the day

* Dr John Hailey, City University London
* Dr Brian Pratt, INTRAC
* Marianne Bo Paludan, Red Barnet, Save the Children Denmark

Possibility for networking

Yderligere oplysninger hos:
Pernille Tind Simmons, netværkskoordinator
NGO forum – dialog om dansk udviklingsbistand
E-mail: [email protected] – tlf. dir. 33 18 78 32
Mobil: 25 50 21 28 og web: www.ngoforum.dk