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Grønt “lille” topmøde i København

Blandt deltagerne er statsministeren, chefen for FNs Miljøprogram (UNEP) i Nairobi, Achim Steiner, og generalsekretæren for de vestlige landes samarbejdsorganisation (OECD) i Paris, Angel Gurria.

TIME: Mandag d. 8. oktober og tirsdag d. 9. oktober

VENUE: Moltkes Palæ, Dronningens Tværgade 2, 1302, Kbn K


Monday 8th October

Opening session: Plenary Hall

Blandt deltagerne er statsministeren, chefen for FNs Miljøprogram (UNEP) i Nairobi, Achim Steiner, og generalsekretæren for de vestlige landes samarbejdsorganisation (OECD) i Paris, Angel Gurria.

TIME: Mandag d. 8. oktober og tirsdag d. 9. oktober

VENUE: Moltkes Palæ, Dronningens Tværgade 2, 1302, Kbn K


Monday 8th October

Opening session: Plenary Hall

• Helle Thorning-Schmidt, Prime Minister, Denmark
• Hwang-sik Kim, Prime Minister, South Korea
• Juan Rafael Elvira Quesada, Minister for Environment and Natural Resources, Mexico

New partners of 3GF
• Liu Qi, Vice Minister National Energy Administration, China
• Abdullah bin Hamad Al-Attiyah, Deputy Prime Minister, Chairman of the Administrative Control and Transparency Authority, Qatar
• Peter Anyang’ Nyong’o, Minister, Kenya

Resource Efficiency and Growth : Plenary Hall
Discussion on key parameters of resource efficient growth – governance, finance, innovation and technology.

Key institutions, including those in the panel, have provided us with focused insights on the economics of green, albeit through very different lenses, including GDP growth, employment, business opportunities and equity dimensions.

This plenary will offer an opportunity to explore the findings and perspectives arising through some of these analyses. It will look at where policy and market failures are preventing these opportunities from being realised, and what actions are needed to deliver on the economic promise of green.

Panel discussion led by:

• Angel Gurria, Secretary General of OECD
• Rachel Kyte, Vice President, World Bank
• Caio Koch-Weser, Vice Chairman, Deutsche Bank
• Achim Steiner, Executive Director, United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP)


6 parallel sessions highlighting the green growth strategies of leading countries. They will be explained and explored through the eyes of their respective political leadership, financial institutions, experts and leading business voices:


• Mustapha Bakkoury, President and Chief Executive Officer, Moroccan Agency for Solar Energy (MASEN)
• Saïd Mouline, Director General, Agency for Energy Efficiency and Renewables (ADEREE) and President of the Green Economy Commission of the General Confederation of Moroccan Enterprises
• Najib Saab, Secretary General, Arab Forum for Environment and Development
• Nena Stoiljkovic, Vice President, International Finance Corporation (IFC)

• Adnan Z. Amin, Director General, International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA), China


• Wang Zhongying, Deputy director general, Energy Research Institute, National Development and Reform Commission(NDRC)
• Qin Haiyan, Secretary General, Chinese Wind Energy Association (CWEA) and General Director of China General Certification Center (CGC)
• Xie Zhengwu, Vice General Manager, CECEP Consulting Company
• Wang Gang, Vice General Manager, Yingli Group
• Wang Yao, General Manager, Longyuan (Beijing) Solar Engineering Technology Corporation
• Bi Yaxiong, Executive Vice President, China Three Gorges Corporation
• Zhang Zhengling, Director, Development and Planning Department, State Grid Corporation


• Shi Lishan, Deputy Director General, National Energy Administration (NEA)
• Jonathan Sinton, China Programme Manager, International Energy Agency (IEA)


• Cevdet Yilmaz, Minister of Development, Government of the Republic of Turkey
• Feyhan Yaşar, Chairperson, Turkish-Danish Business Council under the Foreign Economic Relations Board of Turkey and Vice Chairperson, Hedef A.Ş
• Rachel Kyte, Vice President, World Bank

• Güven Sak, Managing Director, Economic Policy Research Foundation of Turkey (TEPAV)

(Lunch served in sessions)

13:30-13:45 Break


• Balthasar Kambuaya, Minister for the Environment, Government of the Republic of Indonesia
• Mr. Gusrizal, Senior Vice President, Pertamina
• Seethapathy Chander, Director General, Asian Development Bank (ADB)

• Jeremy Oppenheim, Director, McKinsey and Company Germany

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