

Arrangør: N/A

Hvordan blir ofre til? Og hvordan reagerer aktører på og for dem?

Time: Wednesday 6. October at 09.00 – 17.00 hours

Venue: Borups Højskole, Frederiksholms Kanal 24, Kbn K

Victimhood is not an objective category! Some victims are more worthy than others – today at least. Victimhood is framed by interventions, by modes of knowledge, by the political context in which victims find themselves, and by the practices and strategies of people-cum-victims.

Time: Wednesday 6. October at 09.00 – 17.00 hours

Venue: Borups Højskole, Frederiksholms Kanal 24, Kbn K

Victimhood is not an objective category! Some victims are more worthy than others – today at least. Victimhood is framed by interventions, by modes of knowledge, by the political context in which victims find themselves, and by the practices and strategies of people-cum-victims.

This seminar will explore how victims are made, framed and how they navigate the categories that objectify them.

The focus is on both the victims and the agencies that intervene such as governments, civil society and donor agencies.

Specifically, the seminar will explore the nature of exchanges between researchers, civil society organisations and people as victims.

Keynote Speakers:

* Professor Rita Giacaman, Birzeit University
* Professor Veena Das, Johns Hopkins University
* Professor Elizabeth Povinelli, Columbia University
* Professor Darius Rejali, Reed College
* Professor Lisa Richey, Roskilde University
* Professor Ole Wæver, Copenhagen University
* Senior Researcher Henrik Rønsbo, RCT

Registration and participation fee for drinks, coffee and lunch (120 dkr)

Please forward an e-mail to Research Secretary Janni Hansen on [email protected]

DEADLINE for registration is Friday the 1.st of October 2010.


Welcome by Laurids Lauridsen, Vice-chairman RCT Board

Introduction by Steffen Jensen and Henrik Rønsbo, RCT

Section 1: Codifications

Ole Wæver, Department of Political Science, Copenhagen University
Title: TBA

Darius Rejali, Department of Political Science, Reed College,
Title: Why Social Scientists Should Care About How Jesus Died


Discussion, Chair: Elisabeth Povinelli, Department of Anthropology, Colombia University


Section 2: Assemblages

Lisa Richey, Department of Society and Globalisation, Roskilde University
Title: Victims or Citizens? How African AIDS treatment Reconfigures Sovereignty

Veena Das, Department of Anthropology, Johns Hopkins University
Title: To be announced


Section 3: Knowledge and Politics

Rita Giacaman, Institute of Community and Public Health, Birzeit University
Title: Linking Academia with Society: Reaching beyond the notion of victims

Henrik Rønsbo
Title: Doing fieldwork with NGOs: Reframing research ethics in the study of victimhood

Discussions, Chair: Elisabeth Povinelli

Final Remarks by Laurids Lauridsen, Professor, Vice-Chairman, RCT Board