

Arrangør: N/A

International konference: Kvinders rolle i global sikkerhed

Time: Friday 29th October and Saturday 30th October (det har ikke været muligt at finde konkrete tidspunkter for programafviklingen)

Venue: Eigtveds Pakhus, Asiatisk Plads 2 G, Christianshavn, 1448 Kbn K

Udenrigsministeriet skriver om konferencen:

Time: Friday 29th October and Saturday 30th October (det har ikke været muligt at finde konkrete tidspunkter for programafviklingen)

Venue: Eigtveds Pakhus, Asiatisk Plads 2 G, Christianshavn, 1448 Kbn K

Udenrigsministeriet skriver om konferencen:

Udenrigsminister Lene Espersen (K) og udviklingsminister Søren Pind (V) er i samarbejde med den amerikanske ambassade værter ved højniveau konfe-rencen ”Kvinders rolle i global sikkerhed”, der skal skabe opmærksomhed om den unikke og vigtige rolle kvinder spiller i forbindelse med konfliktløsning og fredsbevarelse.

I konferencen deltager prominente personer på området som forsvarsminister Gitte Lillelund Bech (V), NATO’s generalsekretær Anders Fogh Rasmussen, Ugandas minister for ligestilling, arbejdsmarkeds- og socialspørgsmål Gabriel Opio samt Liberias minister for ligestilling og udvikling Vabah Gayflor.

Konferencen markerer tiåret for FN’s Sikkerhedsresolution 1325 om Kvinder, Fred og Sikkerhed og vil fokusere på kvinders rolle i fremme af global sikkerhed med særligt fokus på Afghanistan, Liberia og Uganda.

Der vil være deltagelse fra disse lande samt fra USA og de nordiske og baltiske lande, og konferencen vil samle politiske og militære ledere samt ledere fra erhvervslivet og civilsamfundet.

Udover prominente talere vil 27 workshops løbe af stablen, hvor deltagere bl.a. vil drøfte resultater og udfordringer på området. Konferencen vil munde ud i en række anbefalinger rettet mod praktikere på området.

De 27 sideløbende workshops vil fokusere på 3 overordnede temaer: Kvinder i konfliktsituationer og fredsbevarende operationer; kvinder i post-konflikt forsoning og reintegration samt kvinder og økonomisk udvikling i post-konflikt lande.

Conference partners include the United States Institute of Peace (USIP) and the US Embassies in the Nordic and Baltic countries.

The results of the workshops will be compiled in a post-conference report. The conference will provide the opportunity for establishing new networks to advance the utilization of women as active agents in shaping global security policy.

The Three Themes

Women in Active Conflict/Peacekeeping Operations:

What opportunities and challenges do female soldiers offer in armed conflict and stabilization/development efforts? What successes and challenges have been achieved with women soldiers in Afghanistan? What effect does the presence of women soldiers have on the men in the local communities? What is required to achieve a higher participation of women in peacekeeping operations?

What are the success stories from women as peacekeeping forces in Liberia? Do women as police or security officers offer similarly unique opportunities and challenges? What are the successful strategies for empowering women living in, or emerging from conflict zones to claim their rights as active citizens?

Women in Post-Conflict Reconciliation and Reintegration:

Can peace negotiations and conflict resolution mechanisms be successful if women are not active participants? What strategies for involving women in peace negotiations, post-conflict reconstruction and re-integration have proven to be effective? What perspectives do women bring to the table as potential policymakers and actors in establishing post-conflict societal and government structures, including rule of law?

What programs for ensuring women’s empowerment in post-conflict societies as a basis for sustainable peace efforts have been proven? Does the involvement of women in disarmament, demobilization and reintegration assist in similarly involving the men?

Women in Economic Development:

How is the inclusion and participation of women in reconstruction programs ensured? What are best practices for designing economic development programs for women to support reconstruction? What are optimal strategies for fostering collaboration among women to advance their broader economic development, create new economic opportunities for other women, and encourage sustainable economic growth in conflict-ridden or developing regions?

From micro-financing successes, what lessons can we apply to assist women in becoming part of the commercial fabric of their countries? How does economic assistance to women entrepreneurs support post-conflict reconstruction?


The conference program is subject to change.

Pre Conference

Opening Reception for All Participants:

Day 1

Check-in / Registration

Opening Plenary Session for Day 1


Laurie S. Fulton – Ambassador to Denmark, USA
Opening Address:

Lene Espersen – Minister of Foreign Affairs, Denmark
Special Address

Anders Fogh Rasmussen – Secretary General of NATO
Keynote Addresses

Hillary Clinton – Secretary of State, USA [Video]
Supported by Special Remarks from:
Melanne Verveer – Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women’s Issues, USA
Ellen Margrethe Løj – Special Representative to the Secretary General (SRSG) for the United Nations Mission in Liberia (UNMIL)
Gabriel Opio – Minister of Gender, Labour and Social Affairs, Uganda
Introduction to Workshops

Rana Foroohar – Master of Ceremonies & Deputy Editor Newsweek Magazine
Parallel Breakout Sessions I
Theme I: Women in Actual Conflict/Peacekeeping Operations

Breakout A: Women as Role Models and Communicators in Conflict Zones
Breakout B: Building Civilian Capacity through Increased Female Participation
Breakout C: Increasing Female Participation in Military and Security Forces
Theme II: Women in Post Conflict Reconciliation and Reintegration

Breakout D: Sexual Violence and Women’s Health during Post-Conflict Reconstruction
Breakout E: Women in the Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) Process
Breakout F: Women in Justice and Rule of Law
Theme III: Women in Economic Development

Breakout G: Development of Female Entrepreneurs
Breakout H: Facilitating Women’s Entry into Economic Policy
Breakout I: Breaking the Cycle of Marginalization: Early Female Economic Education

Parallel Breakout Session II

Theme I: Women in Actual Conflict/Peacekeeping Operations

Breakout A: Women as Role Models and Communicators in Conflict Zones
Breakout B: Building Civilian Capacity through Increased Female Participation
Breakout C: Increasing Female Participation in Military and Security Forces
Theme II: Women in Post Conflict Reconciliation and Reintegration

Breakout D: Sexual Violence and Women’s Health during Post-Conflict Reconstruction
Breakout E: Women in the Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) Process
Breakout F: Women in Justice and Rule of Law
Theme III: Women in Economic Development

Breakout G: Development of Female Entrepreneurs
Breakout H: Facilitating Women’s Entry into Economic Policy
Breakout I: Breaking the Cycle of Marginalization: Early Female Economic Education
Summary of Day 1:

Rana Foroohar – Master of Ceremonies & Deputy Editor Newsweek Magazine
Closing Plenary Session for Day 1:

Closing Keynote Addresses:

Gitte Lillelund Bech – Minister of Defence, Denmark
Raymond E. Mabus – Secretary of the Navy, USA
Judy Cheng-Hopkins — UN Asst. Secretary-General for Peacebuilding
Vabah Gayflor – Minister for Gender and Development, Liberia
Panel Remarks:

Panel Members:

Katherine Canavan – Civilian Deputy to the Commander and Foreign Policy Advisor, EUCOM, USA
Rasa Juknevičienė – Minister of Defense, Lithuania
Cocktail Reception

Hosted by the American Chamber of Commerce in Denmark

Day 2

Morning Coffee

Introduction and Welcome to Day 2:

Laurie S. Fulton – Ambassador to Denmark, USA
Parallel Breakout Session III

Theme I: Women in Actual Conflict/Peacekeeping Operations

Breakout A: Women as Role Models and Communicators in Conflict Zones
Breakout B: Building Civilian Capacity through Increased Female Participation
Breakout C: Increasing Female Participation in Military and Security Forces
Theme II: Women in Post Conflict Reconciliation and Reintegration

Breakout D: Sexual Violence and Women’s Health during Post-Conflict Reconstruction
Breakout E: Women in the Disarmament, Demobilization and Reintegration (DDR) Process
Breakout F: Women in Justice and Rule of Law
Theme III: Women in Economic Development

Breakout G: Development of Female Entrepreneurs
Breakout H: Facilitating Women’s Entry into Economic Policy
Breakout I: Breaking the Cycle of Marginalization: Early Female Economic Education
High-Level Recommendations for Best Practices:

Voting & Results:

Rana Foroohar – Master of Ceremonies & Deputy Editor Newsweek Magazine
Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs Report:

Anne-Marie Esper Larsen – Ambassador for Gender Equality, Denmark
U.S. Department of State Report:

Melanne Verveer – Ambassador-at-Large for Global Women’s Issues, USA
Closing Plenary Session for Day 2:

Closing Keynote Addresses:

Davood Moradian – Director General, Strategic Study Centre, Afghan Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Kristalina Ivanova Georgieva – European Commissioner for International, Humanitarian Aid, and Crisis Response
Maria Otero – Under Secretary for Democracy and Global Affairs, USA
Søren Pind — Minister for Development Cooperation, Denmark