

Arrangør: N/A

International konference: Udviklingsperspektiver på det danske EU-formandskab 2012

TIME: Monday, 12 December, 12.30-17.00

VENUE: KFUM, Store Kannikestræde 19, 1169 Copenhagen K.


Denmark’s Development Priorities for the EU

12.30-12.35: Morten Emil Hansen, Head of Secretariat Concord Denmark: Opening remarks

TIME: Monday, 12 December, 12.30-17.00

VENUE: KFUM, Store Kannikestræde 19, 1169 Copenhagen K.


Denmark’s Development Priorities for the EU

12.30-12.35: Morten Emil Hansen, Head of Secretariat Concord Denmark: Opening remarks

12.35-12.50: Christian Friis Bach, Danish Minister for Development Cooperation: “Danish Government priorities for the Danish EU Presidency”

12.50-13.05: P.I. Gomes, Guyana’s Ambassador to the EU & ACP and chair of ECDPM: “ACP perspectives on the Danish EU Presidency”

13.05-13.15: Birte Hald, Chair Concord Denmark: “Danish CSO priorities for the Danish Presidency”

13.15-13.40: Discussion

Expert Panel discussions on key CSO priorities for the Danish EU Presidency

13.40-14.20: PCD, CAP and Food Security
Keynote speaker: Steve Wiggins, ODI
Presenters: Henrik Zobbe, Institute of Food Economic, Anna de Klauman, Danish Agriculture & Food Council (tbc)
Conclusions: Laust Gregersen, Concord Denmark

14.20-14.40: Break

14.40-15.25: PCD, Tax and Development
Keynote Speaker: Raymond Baker, Global Financial Integrity
Presenters: Kristian Koktvedgaard, Confederation of Danish Industry, Martin Nielsen, KPMG
Conclusions: Lars Koch, Ibis

15.25-16.10: PCD, MFF and Poverty Reduction
Keynote Speaker: Laura Sullivan, ActionAid Int.
Presenters: Stig Jensen, Arica Studies, University of Copenhagen, Additional presenter still to be confirmed
Conclusions: Sarah Johansen, Concord Denmark

16.10-16.20: Break

16.20-16.55: Political Panel:
– Jakob Ellemann-Jensen, Spokesperson for Development, Liberal Party
– Lone Loklindt, Spokesperson for Development, Social Liberal Party
– Lisbeth Bech Poulsen, Spokesperson for Development and EU, Socialist People’s Party
– Jens Joel, Spokesperson for EU Affairs, Social Democratic Party (tbc)

16.55-17.00: Morten Emil Hansen, Concord Denmark: “Closing remarks”

Please register at [email protected]