

Arrangør: N/A

Konference: Danida 50 år

TID: Fredag d. 16. marts kl. 9 – 16

STED: Bella Centret, Center Boulevard 5, Amager, 2300 København S

Festlighederne indledes i Bella Centret kl. 9 med åbning af en vandreudstilling i anledning af Danidas jubilæum ved HKH Kronprinsessen.

TID: Fredag d. 16. marts kl. 9 – 16

STED: Bella Centret, Center Boulevard 5, Amager, 2300 København S

Festlighederne indledes i Bella Centret kl. 9 med åbning af en vandreudstilling i anledning af Danidas jubilæum ved HKH Kronprinsessen.

Herefter afholdes en højniveaukonference, “Development Policy in a Changing World”, hvor nye tendenser i udviklingspolitikken vil diskuteres af centrale figurer og politikere inden for udviklingspolitik.

Der vil være to paneldebatter om fremtidige udfordringer i udviklingspolitikken. Den første paneldebat har titlen: Future challenges of inclusive and sustainable development, mens den anden handler om, hvordan vi møder disse nye udfordringer med nye partnerskaber: Building new partnerships for development.

Inspireret af formiddagens diskussioner vil eftermiddagens konference fokusere på, hvilke konsekvenser fremtidige udfordringer og nye partnerskaber har for udformningen af nationale udviklingspolitiske strategier.


9.00: Inauguration of special DANIDA anniversary exhibition

Short welcome by Minister for Development Cooperation, Mr. Christian Friis Bach
Special address by HRH Crown Princess Mary

9.45 – 13.00: High-Level Forum: Development Policy in a Changing World

9.45 – 9.55: Introduction and welcome address by Minister for Development Cooperation, Mr. Christian Friis Bach

9.55 – 10.05: Key note address by EU Commissioner Mr. Andris Piebalgs

10.05 – 10.15: Key note address by President of African Development Bank, Mr. Donald Kaberuka

10.15 – 11.30: Panel discussion I: The challenge of inclusive and sustainable development. Moderator: Simon Maxwell

– UNHCR Mr. Guterres
– EU Commissioner Kristalina Georgieva
– Minister of Finance for Nepal, Mr. Barsha Man Pun
– World Bank Managing Director, Mr. Mahmoud Mohieldin
– Development Minister for Finland, Mrs. Heidi Hautala
– ActionAid International, Chair Ms. Irene Owonji

Debate with VIP-tables and audience

11.30 – 11.45: Coffee break

11.45 – 13.00: Panel discussion II: Building new partnerships for development. Moderator: Simon Maxwell

– UNFPA Executive Director, Mr. Babatunde Osotimehin
– UK Parliamentary Under-Secretary of State for International Development Stephan O’Brien
– Minister of Finance for Ghana, Dr. Kwabena Duffour (tbc)
– Mo Ibrahim Foundation, Mr. Mo Ibrahim,
– OCHA Under-Secretary-General, Ms. Valerie Amos
– OECD/DAC Chair, Mr Brian Atwood

Debate with VIP-tables and audience

13.00 – 14.00: Buffet Lunch for participants

14.00 – 17.00: International Perspectives on New Strategy for Denmark’s Development Cooperation

14.00 – 14.30: Outline of main issues in the draft Strategy for Denmark’s Development Cooperation by Secretary of State, Mr. Ib Petersen

14.30 – 15.45: Workshops on the four main issues of the draft Strategy:

– Rights-based approach to development
– Green Growth
– Social Development and Protection
– Stability and Protection

15.45 – 16.15: Coffee break

16.15 – 17.00: Closing Session. Moderator: Simon Maxwell

Presentations by rapporteurs from the four workshops
Response and closing remarks by Minister for Development Cooperation, Mr. Christian Friis Bach

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