

Arrangør: N/A

Konference: Et forandret Europa: Kriser og nyskabelse under det danske EU-formandskab 2012

TIME: Friday, 9 December, 08.30-13.00

VENUE: Udenrigsministeriet (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark), Eigtveds Pakhus, Sal III, Asiatisk Plads 2 G, Christianshavn, 1448 Copenhagen K

TIME: Friday, 9 December, 08.30-13.00

VENUE: Udenrigsministeriet (Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Denmark), Eigtveds Pakhus, Sal III, Asiatisk Plads 2 G, Christianshavn, 1448 Copenhagen K

Europe has changed a lot since last time Denmark sat in the chair of the EU Presidency. The European Union has grown from 15 to 27 member states, and the Lisbon Treaty has changed the institutions in Brussels as well as the role of the rotating presidency.

External events such as the popular uprisings in North Africa and the Middle East along with the international financial crisis are pressuring the EU to deal with complex international situation and manage the internal crisis of the Euro at the same time. At the same, business has to go on in Brussels and the budget negotiations and the reform of the agricultural policy are still on the agenda of the Danish Presidency.

As Denmark is taking over the EU Presidency on 1 January 2012, DIIS will be hosting a large international conference in cooperation with the Trans-European Policy Studies Association (TEPSA). The conference will host several high level speakers from politics and academia and address policy issues relevant to the Danish Presidency.


Ansgar Belke, Professor, University of Duisburg-Essen
Ben Rosamond, Professor, University of Copenhagen
Finn Østrup, Professor, Copenhagen Business School
Jakob Vestergaard, Senior Researcher, DIIS
Haizam Amirah-Fernández, Senior Analyst, Elcano Royal Institute
Anna Jardfelt, Director, Swedish Institute of International Affairs
Atila Eralp, Professor, Middle East Technical University
Michael Emerson, Associate Senior Research Fellow, Centre for European Policy Studies
Richard Youngs, Director General, FRIDE
Poul Nyrup Rasmussen, President of the Party of European Socialists, former Prime Minister of
Denmark, [TBC]
Nanna Hvidt, Director, DIIS
Wolfgang Wessels, Chairman, TEPSA
Fabrizio Tassinari, Senior Researcher, DIIS


08.30-09.00: Arrival and Coffee

09.00-09.05: Welcome; Fabrizio Tassinari, Senior Researcher, DIIS

09.05-10.15: Plenary Session: The Future of the Euro; Ansgar Belke, Professor, University of Duisburg-Essen; Ben Rosamond, Professor, University of Copenhagen; Finn Østrup, Professor, Copenhagen Business School

Chair: Jakob Vestergaard, Senior Researcher, DIIS

10.15-10.45: Coffee Break

10.45 -12.15: Plenary Session: The EU and the Arab Spring; Haizam Amirah-Fernández, Senior Analyst, Elcano Royal Institute; Anna Jardfelt, Director, Swedish Institute of International Affairs; Atila Eralp, Professor, Middle East Technical University; Michael Emerson, Associate Senior Research Fellow, Centre for European Policy Studies

12.15-12.45: Closing Plenary Session – Interview Session: Europe’s Crisis and Prospects for Renewal in 2012; Richard Youngs, Director General, FRIDE; Poul Nyrup Rasmussen, President of the Party of European Socialists, former Prime Minister of Denmark, [TBC]

Interviewer: Fabrizio Tassinari, Senior Researcher, DIIS

12.45-13.00: Concluding Remarks; Nanna Hvidt, Director, DIIS; Wolfgang Wessels, Chairman, TEPSA

The seminar will be held in English.

Participation is free of charge, but registration is required. Please use the online registration form from the website no later than Tuesday, 6 December at 12.00.

Please await confirmation by e-mail from DIIS for participation.