

Arrangør: N/A

Konference: Global Sundhed på den anden side af 2015-Målene

Time: Thursday 28 at 8.30 – 17 hours to Friday 29 April at 9 – 15.45 hours

Venue: Alexandersalen, Bispetorvet 1-3, (overfor indgangen til Vor Frue Kirke), Copenhagen

With 2015 approaching, there is an urgent need to critically examine the Millennium Development Goals, MDGs, and discuss how to update them to reflect the changing reality of global health.

Time: Thursday 28 at 8.30 – 17 hours to Friday 29 April at 9 – 15.45 hours

Venue: Alexandersalen, Bispetorvet 1-3, (overfor indgangen til Vor Frue Kirke), Copenhagen

With 2015 approaching, there is an urgent need to critically examine the Millennium Development Goals, MDGs, and discuss how to update them to reflect the changing reality of global health.

Health workers and systems face more challenges today than ever with the pace of the simultaneous growth of the world’s population and its aging subgroups, the changing burden of disease and the challenge to provide access to new types of medicines and treatment in developing countries, all which puts more pressure on fragile health systems.

The situation will change considerably towards 2030. Identifying new development goals after 2015 requires in-depth knowledge of the current and future health problems, thorough understanding of the emerging trends and visions for future priorities.

Health research can play an important role in this process. Therefore, it is critically important to re-think the requirements for research and capacity development in view of the emerging public health needs and ask:

· Are we doing the right kind of research?
· Are we basing our education on the right kind of research and evidence?
· Are we training people with skills and capacities that respond to the future needs?

These questions will be addressed by international experts, researchers, research managers, policy makers, civil society representatives and donors during a two-day conference.

The aim of the conference is to discuss how to ensure that developing countries benefit from the lessons learnt from high-income countries in developing their research and education systems as well as setting their own research priorities.

The conference is organised by Enreca Health in partnership with World Diabetes Foundation,Council on Health Research for Development (COHRED), Global Doctors, and Universities Denmark’s ‘Platform on Human Health’ and ‘Platform on Stability, Democracy & Rights’.


The conference is open to anyone interested, but registration is required due to limited seats.

Tea, coffee and light lunch are served.

Please register online, and do so before 15 April. You are officially registered when you receive a confirmatory mail from the organisers.

Read more about the programme on the website of Enreca Health.