

Arrangør: N/A

Konference: Globale Værdikæder og Bæredygtig Udvikling

Time: Tuesday 24 May at 13 – 17 hours and Wednesday 25 May at 9 – 17 hours

Venue: Technical University of Denmark, Anker Engelundsvej 1, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby (Click here for directions)

The global value chains perspective has gained importance in international development cooperation.

Time: Tuesday 24 May at 13 – 17 hours and Wednesday 25 May at 9 – 17 hours

Venue: Technical University of Denmark, Anker Engelundsvej 1, 2800 Kgs. Lyngby (Click here for directions)

The global value chains perspective has gained importance in international development cooperation.

Interventions to support small producers’ participation and position in value chains are being implemented
in private sector programs.

Aid practitioners and researchers are concerned with elaborating the most efficient strategies for such interventions.
*What are the impacts for producers, households and the local community?
*Do global value chain interventions contribute to sustainable development?
*How can impacts be measured?

The conference will address these and other key issues from a theoretical, methodological as well as a practical perspective.

Two international key note speakers will contribute with insights from the current international frontiers of global value chain research and application of methods in development assistance.

* Dr. Khalid Nadvi, University of Manchester, will present his approach to impact assessment in relation to industrial clusters and their insertion into global value chains.
* Mr. Joost Oorthuizen, Director of the Dutch Sustainable Trade Initiative (IDH), will present experiences from a range of value chains in the IDH program.

Representatives of Danish research communities will present their particular focus and approach to global
value chain analysis.

A panel debate, case presentations and a poster session will further facilitate an exchange of views, approaches and experiences.

To sign up, please send an e‐mail to Troels Werge at [email protected] clearly indicating
1) participation (attending or online)
2) if you are a student
3) whether you would like to attend the conference dinner on May 24, 18:00, in the faculty club

Please register no later than Thursday May 19, 2011.

If you have any dietary requirement, please indicate so.

Conference Fee: DKK 100 (students DKK 50) – to be paid at the conference.
Dinner Fee: approx. 250 DKK


Tuesday 24 May

Welcome address

Theory and methods

Key note address:
* Khalid Nadvi, Senior Lecturer, University of Manchester, School of Environment and Development, Towards a Methodology for Poverty and Social Impact Assessment

* Olav Jull Sørensen, Professor, Aalborg University, Formation, organisation and Management of the (global) value chain
* Lone Riisgaard, Project researcher, Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS), Gender and labour in value chains: A critique of private sector and donor financed global value chain interventions
* Søren Borch, Consultant, ConDiv, Key findings from the DDRN Review of Methods for Global Value Chains


Wednesday 25 May

* Stephano Ponte, Senior researcher, Danish Institute for International Studies (DIIS), A conceptual framework and practical guide to global value chains interventions Analysis and intervention

Key note address:
* Joost Oorthuizen, Director, Dutch Sustainable Trade Initiative (IDH), Mainstreaming the social and ecological sustainability of commodity supplies from emerging markets to the Netherlands and Western Europe – experiences of IDH
* Marianne Nylandsted Larsen, Assistant Professor, University of Copenhagen, Agroindustrial value chain research at Department of Geography and Geology, University of Copenhagen – four focus areas
* Simon Bolwig, Senior researcher, Technical University of Denmark, Poverty and value‐chain upgrading: Lessons from action research projects
* Thorkild Nielsen, Associate professor, Aalborg University, Ethical traceability in a globalised world
* Arne Wangel, Associate professor, Technical University of Denmark, The product life cycle perspective and environmental and social impacts

Poster session and case presentations

Panel discussion

Closing remarks