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Konference: State of the World 2012: Moving Toward Sustainable Prosperity

TID: Onsdag d. 25. april kl. 13 – 17

STED: Designmuseum Danmark, Bredgade 68, 1260 København K

TID: Onsdag d. 25. april kl. 13 – 17

STED: Designmuseum Danmark, Bredgade 68, 1260 København K

World leaders will meet at the Rio+20 Conference in June 2012 to set new targets for global sustainability. To promote a discussion around this vital topic, Worldwatch’s flagship report “State of the World 2012” showcases creative policies and fresh approaches that are pushing forth ‘sustainable development’ in the twenty-first century.


13.00: Welcome and opening notes from Worldwatch Institute

Session 1 – Presenting the State of the World 2012 Report – SOW 2012

13.10: Moving Toward Sustainable Prosperity; Erik Assadourian, SOW 2012 Project Director, Senior Researcher, Worldwatch Institute

13.40: Population and Sustainability: Ideas for Control-Free Policies; Robert Engelman, co-author SOW 2012, President, Worldwatch Institute

14.00: Biodiversity: Combating the Sixth Mass Extinction; Bo Normander, co-author SOW 2012, Director, Worldwatch Institute Europe

14.20: Questions from the audience

14.40: Coffee, tea and refreshments

Session 2 – Debating Europe’s Priorities for the Rio+20 Summit

15.00: Priorities for Rio+20 – Denmark’s Role During its EU Presidency; Torleif Jonasson, Secretary General, Danish United Nations Association

15.20: Priorities for the Rio+20 Summit from a Business Perspective; John Kornerup Bang, Lead Group Advisor, Climate Change & Environment at A.P. Moller – Maersk Group

15.40: Priorities for the Rio+20 Summit from a European Policy Perspective; Oldag Caspar, European Policy Officer at Germanwatch

16.00: Priorities for the Rio+20 Summit from a Grassroot Perspective; Esben Danielsen, Manager at Roskilde Festival

16.20: Panel Debate – Europe’s Priorities for Rio+20

17.00: End of conference

The conference is supported by the Velux Foundation

The event is free of charge but registration is required to [email protected]. Please indicate name, country and affiliation.

About State of the World 2012:

In the 2012 edition of its flagship report, Worldwatch Institute celebrates the twentieth anniversary of the 1992 Earth Summit with a far-reaching analysis of progress toward building sustainable economies.

Written in clear language with easy-to-read charts, State of the World 2012 offers a new perspective on what changes and policies will be necessary to make sustainability a permanent feature of the world s economies.

Read more here.