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Kurerer dét at eje noget mod fattigdom?

Time: Tuesday 12th October at 14 – 16 hours

Venue: Eigtveds Pakhus, Asiatisk Plads, Christianshavn, Kbn K

The Peruvian development thinker, Hernando de Soto, is famous for his theories on the role of formal property rights for income and employment creation among the poor, both key priorities in the new Danish strategy for development cooperation, Freedom From Poverty – Freedom to Change.

Time: Tuesday 12th October at 14 – 16 hours

Venue: Eigtveds Pakhus, Asiatisk Plads, Christianshavn, Kbn K

The Peruvian development thinker, Hernando de Soto, is famous for his theories on the role of formal property rights for income and employment creation among the poor, both key priorities in the new Danish strategy for development cooperation, Freedom From Poverty – Freedom to Change.

This has raised the question how de Soto’s theories could be applied in Danish development assistance.

At the conference the Danish Minister for Development Co-operation, Mr. Søren Pind, the Ugandan Minister for Lands, Housing and Development, Hon. Daniel Omara Atubo as well as a number of Danish and international leaders and experts will participate.

They will discuss how the theories of Mr. Hernando de Soto could be applied in Danish development assistance.

De Soto himself will provide a presentation followed by questions and discussions facilitated by journalist, Steffen Kretz, Danish Radio.

Prior to the conference a roundtable with participation of an exclusive gathering of international and Danish leaders and experts will have discussed specific options for applying de Soto’s theories in Danish development assistance.

Participation in the conference is open and free of charge but limited by available seats.

The conference will be followed by drinks and networking from
16.00- 17.00.

Registration no later than Friday 8th October 2010 on www.danidadevforum.um.dk