

Arrangør: N/A

Kursus: Finansiel styring med Mango

TID: Lørdag d. 8. september til søndag d. 9. september kl. 10.00-18.00 og 9.00-16.00

STED: Rummet, Vesterbrogade 24, 1620 København V

Please notice that the course is in English.

The course is designed for non-finance programme managers and project officers of CSO’s whom manage or directly implement projects. A background in finance is not required for this course.

TID: Lørdag d. 8. september til søndag d. 9. september kl. 10.00-18.00 og 9.00-16.00

STED: Rummet, Vesterbrogade 24, 1620 København V

Please notice that the course is in English.

The course is designed for non-finance programme managers and project officers of CSO’s whom manage or directly implement projects. A background in finance is not required for this course.

To build the confidence and skills of programme staff to use financial management tools to implement project activities in a cost effective, controlled and accountable way.

At the end of the course the participants:

– create a fully-costed project budget using the activity-based budgeting technique
– build a phased project budget from a project activity plan
– use a funding grid to manage multiple-donor funded projects
– use budget monitoring reports to review and manage project progress
– apply key policies and procedures needed to safeguard project cash and equipment.

– describe the Four Building Blocks of Financial Management and the role they play in achieving good practice in financial management in programme implementation
– describe the key organising tools of a financial system, including the Chart of Accounts and Cost Centres

– appreciate that you do not have to be a trained accountant to understand and use financial management tools
– recognise the role of financial management in achieving project objectives.

The course will take into account the needs of participants. The course will have the following content:

– Overview of financial management in programme management, including key concepts and who does what
– The four building blocks of financial management: Financial planning, keeping accounts, financial monitoring and internal control
– Making sense of the figures – reading, analyzing and interpreting financial information for project management purposes.

Course managers: Jo Baker from MANGO plus Johannes Nordentoft and Nicolai Houe from CISU

Read more and register here