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Lancerer “Theme om Human Health” – universitetssamarbejde med 3V

The ambition of the Theme on Human Health is to contribute to the strengthening of capacities on a consolidated and long-term basis to conduct better research at selected universities and other research institutions. A final selection of partner countries (apart from the above mentioned) will be coordinated with the three other Themes.

The ambition of the Theme on Human Health is to contribute to the strengthening of capacities on a consolidated and long-term basis to conduct better research at selected universities and other research institutions. A final selection of partner countries (apart from the above mentioned) will be coordinated with the three other Themes.

Research and post graduate education play a significant role in the development landscape of low-income countries, both in terms of building a knowledge society and as drivers of democratic awareness.

Researchers from Danish universities have a long tradition of working directly in partnerships with universities and academic institutions particularly in Africa.

This provides a solid base for development of joint collaboration on capacity development with South partners and potential for improved information sharing and collaboration in Denmark.

Objectives of the meeting

* To introduce the aims of the “Building Stronger Universities in Developing Countries” initiative
* To discuss organisation and opportunities for collaboration within the Theme on Human Health
* To initiate country specific working groups, beginning with Ghana and Tanzania, to explore and assess the opportunities for joint collaboration, and to plan the way forward
* To introduce already established/proposed thematic working groups within the Theme on Human Health: Reproductive Health, Climate Change and Health, and Occupational Health and Safety. Proposals for other relevant topics to be introduced at the meeting can be communicated to the Secretariat in advance.

The meeting is open to everyone with an interest in the Building Stronger Universities initiative and in specific in research for health in low income countries.

Time: Wednesday 15. September at 10 to 15 hours

Venue: University of Copenhagen, Frue Plads 1, Brandes Auditorium, 1st floor in main building, Kbn K

Please confirm your participation by e-mail to Bjørg Elvekjær [email protected] no later than 10 September 2010.


Registration, coffee and tea

Welcome and objectives of the day, by Flemming Konradsen, Chairperson of the Steering Committee, Theme on Human Health

Presentation of the “Building Stronger Universities in Developing Countries” (BSU) initiative, by representative from Universities Denmark (to be announced)
Background and visions
Institutional set-up
Brief presentation of the four Themes and linkages between them
BSU vis a vis other existing Danish research councils, networks, and centres

Presentation of the Theme on Human Health, by Flemming Konradsen
Defining the Theme on Human Health
Structure and organization; presentation of the Steering Committee
Proposed overall areas of activities
Financial frame
How to get involved: country specific and thematic working groups; ad hoc events; website

11:30 – 11.45

11.45 – 12:30
Comments, questions, debate, summing up

12:30- 13:15

13:15 – 13:30
Presentation of country specific and thematic working groups, by Flemming Konradsen and resource persons

13:30 – 15:00
Join a working group
Climate Change and Health
Reproductive Health
Occupational Health and Safety

Organizer: Universities Denmark’s Theme on Human Health

Copenhagen School of Global Health
University of Copenhagen
Øster Farimagsgade 5, Bd. 9
DK-1353 Copenhagen K

Bjørg Elvekjær on e-mail [email protected]