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LatinoFilm i København

TID: Torsdag d. 2. februar fra kl. 20

Sted: IBIS, Nørrebrogade 68 B, 3. sal, Nørrebro Kbn

Til arrangementet kommer Stine Krøijer, Policy Advisor og fortæller om IBIS nye Latinamerika kampagne “Yasuni Initiativet”. Kampagnen handler om oprindelige befolkningers rettigheder og klimaforbedringer i Latinamerika.

Der vil som altid være musik, kaffe, øl og hygge.

TID: Torsdag d. 2. februar fra kl. 20

Sted: IBIS, Nørrebrogade 68 B, 3. sal, Nørrebro Kbn

Til arrangementet kommer Stine Krøijer, Policy Advisor og fortæller om IBIS nye Latinamerika kampagne “Yasuni Initiativet”. Kampagnen handler om oprindelige befolkningers rettigheder og klimaforbedringer i Latinamerika.

Der vil som altid være musik, kaffe, øl og hygge.

Gratis adgang og alle er velkomne.


To kick-off Latino-film 2012 we will show the documentary thriller ’Law of the Jungle’ Thursday the 2 February.

The film documents the struggle between the indigenous people of the Peruvian Amazon and the multinational oil companies extracting oil in the jungle – together with the government violating the rights of the people populating the jungle.

At the event there will as always be snacks, drinks and music and before the documentary the IBIS policy advisor will present the new IBIS campaign ‘Yasuní initiative’ supporting the rights of indigenous peoples.

Resume af ‘Law of the jungle’:

“The government rounds up the usual suspects and accuses indigenous leaders of murder and terrorism.

But there are no actual witnesses, and no one seems to care about the torture and ensuing revenge murder carried out by the police commandos. The indigenous people are poor and despised by the majority public, so their chances of winning a courtroom battle are next to none.

A young indigenous leader, Fachin, nevertheless, refuses to give in. With help from a local British missionary, he contacts a well-known Peruvian defence lawyer who specializes in indigenous cases and starts fighting back!

To prove their innocence, Fachin and the lawyer, Jorge Tacuri, investigate the case and discover an independent witness: a catholic priest, Jose Noa, who was filming the event which lead to the killing when police commandos and local villagers clashed on an oil company’s airstrip in the Amazon jungle.

The problem is that the witness has gone underground. He knows all too well what powers the police and the oil companies possess. So, like in many cases before, the indigenous people prepare to lose the battle and to meet their unalterable destinies in prison – unless they can track down the witness before it is too late.”