

Arrangør: N/A

Møde om CSO Policy Dialogue evaluering

TIME: Monday, 10 September, 9 – 15

VENUE: Eigtveds Pakhus, Asiatisk Plads 2, Christianshavn, 1448 Copenhagen K.

TIME: Monday, 10 September, 9 – 15

VENUE: Eigtveds Pakhus, Asiatisk Plads 2, Christianshavn, 1448 Copenhagen K.

The objective of the meeting is to disseminate findings emerging from the evaluation at a stage where discussion amongst stakeholders can still be incorporated into the final report. Participation is free of charge following prior registration with www.ngoforum.dk. A draft version of the evaluation report will be forwarded to registered participants a week before the meeting.


09.00-09.15: Registration and coffee

09.15-09.30: Welcome – programme overview

– Charlotte Slente, Under-Secretary for Development Assistance
– Verner Kristiansen, Conference Moderator

09.30-10.45: Overview of emerging evaluation findings

– Mike Felton, Team Leader CSO Policy Dialogue evaluation
– Hope Kabuchu, Team Leader Uganda Study
– Dee Jupp, Team Leader Bangladesh Study
– Bente Topsøe-Jensen, Team Leader Mozambique Study

10.45-11.15: Reflections on policy implications of findings

– Representative of NGO Forum of Denmark
– Lars Engberg-Pedersen, senior researcher, DIIS

11.15-12.30: Coffee and parallel tracks on findings and implications

– Track One: Partnerships – types and quality of donor relations
– Track Two: Frameworks – conditions at local vs. policy level
– Track Three: Effectiveness – strategic choices in a digital age

12.30-13.15: Networking lunch

13.15-14.30: Plenary discussion of top priorities for future support to CSO engagement in policy dialogue

– Brief presentation of highlights from three tracks
– Discussion of implications and prioritisation exercise

14.30-14.45: Concluding remarks – way forward

– Margrethe Holm Andersen, Evaluation Department