

Arrangør: N/A

Møde: Radioens rolle i udvikling

TIME: Friday, September 2, 10-12

VENUE: International Media Support, conference room, Nørregade 18, Copenhagen C

The objective of the meeting is for all of us working with (Community) radio in and for development to meet and share information – and link up.

TIME: Friday, September 2, 10-12

VENUE: International Media Support, conference room, Nørregade 18, Copenhagen C

The objective of the meeting is for all of us working with (Community) radio in and for development to meet and share information – and link up.

Also in Denmark many of us work in this field and the meeting is called for us to meet, to share information about what we do, where and how we do it, why we do it and within which frameworks and contexts we work with ‘(community) radio in development’.

EMPOWERHOUSE is being launched to further effective, participatory and community- owned community radios and other work with ‘radio in development’. We want to work with and build on all available experience in this field – also in Denmark. An informal national network will result from this meeting – and maybe a lot more.

Empowerhouse is happy to welcome Kristine Pearson of ‘Lifeline Energy’ to this meeting. Kristine is CEO and conceptualiser of appropriate and innovative technologies focusing on community development and radio. She is associated with wind-up and solar powered radios used in emergencies, for rural listening groups and in many other ‘radio in development’ contexts.


10:00: Welcome. Introduction to the meeting and to EMPOWERHOUSE. Birgitte Jallov.

10:20: Round of presentations including information on how each of you and your organisations work with radio or plan to do so.

11:00: Appropriate technology for sustainable change. Kristine Pearson, CEO, Lifelineenergy.

11:30: Discussion and information-sharing.

11:50: Concluding summary and closure of meeting.

Please sign up for the meeting by e-mailing Birgitte Jallov, [email protected]

EMPOWERHOUSE strives to fullfil its vision of a more just world with access to appropriate and accurate information as well as access to a voice to share own experience and opinions, dreams and development priorities. Its mission is to assist communities develop their own communication capacity with a focus on community radio for empowerment and development.