

Arrangør: N/A

Ph.d.-forsvar af Paul Stacey: Struggles for the Attainment of Public Authority in the Gold Coast and Ghana

TIME: Friday, 27 April, 13.00

VENUE: Roskilde University, Little auditorium, building 01, Universitetsvej 1, 4000 Roskilde

Based on his Ph.D. dissertation ”Struggles for the Attainment of Public Authority in the Gold Coast and Ghana. Competing logics of state formation and local politics in East Gonja 1930-2010” Paul will give a lecture on:

TIME: Friday, 27 April, 13.00

VENUE: Roskilde University, Little auditorium, building 01, Universitetsvej 1, 4000 Roskilde

Based on his Ph.D. dissertation ”Struggles for the Attainment of Public Authority in the Gold Coast and Ghana. Competing logics of state formation and local politics in East Gonja 1930-2010” Paul will give a lecture on:

“How and to what extent are chieftaincy and democratisation compatible in the Ghanaian context?”

The defence will be followed by a small reception hosted by the Graduate School in building 23.2.

The Assessment Committee members are:
Peter Kragelund, RUC
Paul Nugent, University of Edinburgh
Janine Ubink, University of Leiden

Supervisor: Preben Kaarsholm